October 1, 2024
Dear Parents, I have never felt prouder of our school than I did at Mass on Friday. Our third graders did a wonderful job of hosting the Mass, and an excellent job reading. Our fifth graders did a nice job on the altar with Father Jeff and, as always, our choir did a beautiful job with the music. I always sit in the back so I can see all our students during Mass and what kept coming to my mind this week is how truly blessed I am to be at our school. I feel this almost all the time, but it was especially strong last Friday. I see our teachers modeling to their students how to fully participate in Mass. I see our precious children doing their best to sit still, listen, and to follow along with the Mass. I see all the ironed white shirts and jumpers, the nice dress pants and church shoes, and know how our parents do everything they can to make sure their student is prepared for Mass. Thank you for everything you do to make it possible for your child to attend Sacred Heart Catholic School. I know I am a better person for getting to be here every day and I hope you feel the same. As a Catholic School, we believe that the human person is the image of God and that our church is the people of God. Knowing we are made in the image of God and that we belong to Him, should bring about a sense of peace, joy, and respect for one another. When you are at our school, I hope you feel the peace, see the joy, and know how much we respect everyone who enters our doors. Thank you for trusting Sacred Heart Catholic School with your children. Fundraising Letter A letter about fundraising was sent home Friday to each family. It is so important that we keep parents informed of every aspect of our school, especially fundraising which affects everyone. Please don't hesitate to share with me any concerns you have regarding fundraising, or anything else at SHCS. 4th Grade Garden Can you believe our entire staff was able to have a meal made from food our 4th graders grew at our school? I am still in awe of their accomplishment. Thank you, Mrs. Lange and your 4th graders for a delicious salad meal on Wednesday. Custodian Appreciation Day Custodian Appreciation Day is Wednesday, October 2. We are so grateful for the hard work that Jerilyn and Selecia do to keep our school clean and safe for everyone. Individual Picture Retakes Absolute Imaging will be here on Friday, October 4 for picture retakes. Any student who was absent can have their picture taken that day. Also, if you do not like your child's picture that was taken on the 13th, you can have your child's picture taken again. First Friday Family Lunch Our 6th grade class will be hosting our First Friday Family Lunch for October on Friday, October 4 at all lunches. We will be recognizing Hispanic Heritage Month, and the feast day for St. Francis of Assisi. Please join us for eating, singing, and dancing. Preschool, PreK, Kindergarten, and First Grade eat at 11:00 AM. Second, Third, and Fourth Grades eat at 11:30 AM. Fifth Grade and our Middle School students eat at Noon. SHCS Choir at Mass on Saturday Our SHCS choir will be providing the music at Mass this Saturday, October 5, at 4:30 PM. Fall Fest Please join us for our fabulous Fall Fest next Sunday, October 6 from 2:00 PM until 6:00 PM at the Wines of the San Juan. Mrs. Carla has tickets for sale in her office. There are many things for everyone to do including family friendly games like Putt Putt Golf, giant Jenga and Connect Four, all free with the purchase of your ticket courtesy of Picnic Games. There will be lots of food available, including Frito pie, hot dogs, and hamburgers all provided by the Knights of Columbus from Farmington, Aztec, and Bloomfield. We will also have a corn hole tournament and canvas painting for an extra charge. Please get your tickets ASAP! Fall Fest Raffle Thank you for continuing to sell our raffle tickets, which are $25.00 each. The first-place prize is a camper, which is parked inside the fence by the playground. It is so cool and sleeps five! It has a refrigerator, microwave, television, and even a fireplace. The camper is valued at $16,000. Second place is a go-cart valued at $3000; and third place is camping chairs and a cooler that are valued at $1200.00. The drawing will be held at our Fabulous Fall Fest. Will you please turn in your money and ticket stubs tomorrow, Monday, September 30? Night to Remember Meeting We will have our first Night to Remember meeting at 6:00 PM on Wednesday, October 9 in our school library. We will introduce our new Co-Chairs, Ashley Seyfarth and Jenni Strickler, and begin planning for NTR which will be Saturday, April 26, 2025, at the Farmington Civic Center. Everyone is welcome at this meeting. Blessing of the Lower Gardens Father Tim will bless all our flower gardens in the back of the main building on Thursday, October 10 at 10:00 AM. Each flower bed was sponsored by a family in honor or memory of someone, and each bed will have a plaque with that information. Families who sponsored a flower bed are encouraged to be here for the blessing; everyone else is welcome, too. Quarter 1 Quarter 1 ends on Friday, October 11. Report Cards will be sent home on Wednesday, October 16. Parent/Teacher Conferences Parent/Teacher Conferences are the week of October 7 through 10. There is no school on Friday, October 11 and... Monday, October 14 - Columbus Day ...there is no school on Monday, October 14. Let's eat Pizza! Dr. Grandjean has secured another opportunity for us to raise money for our school by simply eating out, and this time it is at Pizza Hut on 20th Street. On Friday, October 11, which is a school holiday, during their regular business hours of 11 AM to 10 PM, Pizza Hut will donate 20% of the sales generated. For our school to get 20% of your purchase, you can bring a printed copy of the ticket, show the ticket on your phone, or mention the fundraiser when calling. Vision Screening Cathy McDonald and the Farmington Evening Lions Club will be here with the KidSight Program to do a vision screening for our students on Thursday, October 17. Walk-a-thon Our school's walk-a-thon is scheduled for Thursday, October 24. This year the walk-a-thon will be at Piedra Vista High School. Coach Katie will be sending out information this week. Holiday Farms Field Trip Students in grades Preschool through 5th will be going to Holiday Farms on Friday, October 25. We will go to Mass, then leave SHCS around 9:30. Students going on the field trip can wear spirit wear and should bring a lunch to eat at the farm. Middle School on October 25 Middle school will be learning about etiquette and having a special meal on Friday, October 25 while the rest of the school is at Holiday Farms. Our middle school students will wear their Mass uniform to school that day. October Birthdays October birthdays will be celebrated at morning prayer on Wednesday, October 30. October Confession Father Tim and Father Jeff will hear confessions after morning prayer on Thursday, October 31. Please join us for morning prayer and Mass when possible. I hope you have a wonderful week.