Dear Parents,
I hope you are enjoying our three-day weekend.
Gigantic thanks to
Coach Katie for being such a good sport and getting in the dunk tank. We had a million issues with the tank but the kids loved it. We will continue our celebration of the huge success of our Walkathon with Mr. Clawson dressed as a dinosaur at morning prayer...hopefully this week.
Will you
please return your family's Catholic Schools Week envelope with all the completed items to the office by Thursday of this week? (January 23). Items to return are:Tree of Love - heart, schoolhouse, or leaf
This Friday is the
100th day of school. It's a little later than normal because of closing school in December.
Catholic Schools Week starts Saturday, January 25 at 4:30 PM Mass with our SHCS Choir leading the Mass. All students are asked to wear their Mass uniform to church this weekend and carry the gifts to the altar. Students should meet me in the back of the church during the collection. We will have an open house at the school with refreshments after all Masses. Please join us if possible. We have some beautiful new artwork hung in the halls.
Penny War starts on Monday, January 27. Students will have the opportunity to put money in the jugs after morning prayer. Prizes will be awarded for the class with most points and the class that raises the most money.
Students can choose to wear their school uniform or
dress up each day for Catholic Schools Week. Jeans, shorts, and athletic pants are just fine during Catholic Schools Week. Here is the schedule:
The full Catholic Schools Week schedule was sent home in your student's packet and was also emailed. One of the events I left off the printed schedule is our choir will be singing at
Namaste House on Wednesday, January 29. This is a Works of Mercy service activity, and the choir is inviting non-members to sing with them. If your student is not in the choir but would like to sing at Namaste House on January 29, please email Ms. Gapinski by January 24 to let her know.
This year, we have chosen the theme of
Our Faith, Our Families, and Our School. Our Catholic faith and our committed families make our school a wonderful place to be, filled with teachers and staff who truly love your children. Thank you for trusting SHCS with educating your student(s).
Thank you to everyone who was able to eat at
Texas Roadhouse
on December 30. We received a check from them for $150.00. Dr. Grandjean has organized our February event at
Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory in the Mall. We will email the flyer, and they will honor it on your phone. It does not have to be printed. Get your Valentine's Day candy early and support our school at the same time!
Here are a few reminders:
New Information:
I hope you have a great week.
❤️, Kelly
January 20 - 24, 2025
Monday, January 20 - Holiday - Martin Luther King Day - no school
Tuesday, January 21 - Ukulele Jam
Wednesday, January 22 - Choir practice
Thursday, January 23 – Catholic Schools Week items returned
Friday, January 24 - 100th day of school
January 25 - 31, 2025 - Catholic Schools Week; Penny Wars
Saturday and Sunday, January 25-26 – Students wear their Mass uniform and take up gifts, Open House at SHCS, and raffle tickets sales after each Mass
Saturday , January 25 - SHCS Choir leads the music at Mass
Monday, January 27 - Free dress for students; IA Club
Tuesday, January 28 - Pajama day; Ukulele Jam
Wednesday, January 29 - Red, white, and blue day; Progress Reports sent home; Choir and guests at Namaste House; Night to Remember meeting at 6:00 PM in the school library
Thursday, January 30 - Dress as future career; guest speakers in the gym after morning prayer
Friday, January 31 - Neon day; Family celebration at noon in the gym; Early Release at 1:00 PM
Saturday, February 1 - SHCS fundraising at Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory; Enrollment for next year opens
February 3 - 7, 2025
Monday, February 3 - IA Club
Tuesday, February 4 - Ukulele Jam
Wednesday, February 5 - February birthdays celebrated at morning prayer; Choir practice
Thursday, February 6 - Confessions
Friday, February 7 - First Friday Family lunch hosted by 2nd grade; Middle School Dance (Grades 5 - 8) at 6:00 PM in the gym
Saturday, February 8 - First Reconciliation at 10:00 AM in the church
February 10 - 14, 2025
Monday, February 10 - IA Club
Tuesday, February 11 - Ukulele Jam
Wednesday, February 12 - Choir practice; Parent meeting n the Family Center at 6:00 PM
Thursday, February 13 -
Friday, February 14 - Valentine's Day; Robotics teams to Albuquerque
Saturday, February 15 - Robotics teams competing in Albuquerque
February 17 - 21, 2025
Monday, February 17 - Presidents Day - No school
Tuesday, February 18 - Ukulele Jam
Wednesday, February 19 - Progress Reports sent home; Choir practice
Thursday, February 20 -
Friday, February 21- English Expo students to Albuquerque
Saturday, February 15 - English Expo students competing in Albuquerque
February 24 - 28, 2025
Monday, February 24 - IA Club
Tuesday, February 25 - Ukulele Jam
Wednesday, February 26 - Choir practice
Thursday, February 27 -
Friday, February 28 - All raffle ticket money due