Dear Parents,
I hope you had a wonderful break. Three more weeks and we do it again!
Thank you for making our Works of Mercy a success. I got to go to Namaste House with 3rd grade on Friday to hear them sing and watch them deliver their gifts to the residents. This was a special activity that was appreciated by everyone involved. The owner of Namaste House was very complementary of our students and thankful for what they did for the residents.
I was also able to go with Ms. Jackson to the packing headquarters for Bags of Love where she delivered the twelve duffle bags her second grade families donated to the organization. The directors were very thankful for the bags with toiletry items, a stuffed animal, and homemade blanket. Bags of Love provides bags filled with items to students who are displaced from their homes by law enforcement or CYFD.
We received this message from BirthRight:
Birthright would like to thank Preschool, Pre-K, 4th, and 5th grade students and their teachers along with their generous parents for the tremendous amount of baby items that were collected during their "Works of Mercy" drive.
Thank you for choosing Birthright and allowing us to shower mothers and babies with your donations.
May God Bless you,
Birthright Volunteers
Kindergarten collected items for Childhaven. I am certain they received many much-needed items from Ms. Beasley's and Mrs. Benally's classes and can't wait to hear how delivery went last Friday.
Mrs. Atencio and her first grade students will be delivering their donated items to Navajo Ministries, and the middle school will be delivering the food they collected in the next few days.
Thank you for being so generous to these organizations. Many people in our community will benefit from your efforts. Our school is so proud.
Thank you for eating at
Olive Garden a couple Sundays ago. We received almost $200 from SHCS sales. On Monday, December 23,
Texas Roadhouse will donate 10% of their sales for people who bring in our flyer. We will send it out soon.
As a Catholic school, we are blessed to have educational leaders in a Catholic setting who are called to aid parents in the education of their children so that their children can grow in all aspects of life. Thank you for trusting Sacred Heart Catholic School with your children.
This Week; December 2 - 6Miss Elmer and her sister are working on a tree to donate to Festival of Trees from our school and will get it delivered on Monday.
On Tuesday, our Choir will perform at Festival of Trees from 5:30 to 6:15 PM.
On Wednesday, our 4th graders will attend Adoration in the church and Progress Reports will be sent home.
On Thursday, several of our classes will attend Teddy Bear Storytime at Festival of Trees.
On Friday, we will have our First Friday Family Lunch, hosted by Mrs. Lange and her 4th grade students. Also on Friday, our SHCS Choir will perform at Riverglo from 7:00 - 7:45 PM.
On Saturday, Miss Gapinski will lead our SHCS Choir at 4:30 PM Mass.
December (nothing new added)
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Monday, December 9, 2024, has been designated as a Holy Day of Obligation in observance of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. December 8 falls on a Sunday this year so the obligation to attend Mass is transferred to Monday, December 9. Students are to wear their Mass uniform. We will follow our regular Monday schedule, but attend Mass instead of morning prayer, and miss any specials that start before 9:15 AM.
Friday, December 13 we will attend Mass as usual. This will be a semi-free dress day. Students do not have to wear a uniform as long as they
wear a Christmas-themed outfit.
School Christmas Party
Our school Christmas party is Saturday, December 14 at the Elks Club. This event is totally free for teachers, staff, and families, except the cash bar. Please let Mrs Carla know if you and your family will be attending.
School Christmas Program
Our school Christmas program is Monday, December 16 at 6:00 PM in the church.
December Birthdays
December birthdays will be celebrated at morning prayer on Wednesday, December 18.
December Confessions
Confessions will be heard by Father Tim and Father Jeff on Thursday, December 19.
Christmas Break Begins December 20
We will have early release at 1:00 PM on Friday, December 20 to begin Christmas Break. We will have before school care, but not after school care.
Quarter 2
Quarter 2 ends Friday, December 20. Report Cards will be sent home Wednesday, January 8, 2025. Will you please have your grades concluded by 3:30 PM on Tuesday, January 7, 2025?
Looking Ahead to January 2025
January 6 - Return from Christmas Break
January 8 - January Birthdays at Morning Prayer, 5th attend Adoration; Semester 1 Report Cards sent home
January 9 - Confessions
January 10 - First Friday Family Lunch hosted by 3rd grade
Remember, you are always welcome to join us for Morning Prayer at 8:00 AM in the gym. On Thursday mornings at 8:00 AM we would love for you to join us in the church to hear Mr. Burnham teach about parts of Mass, and for Mass on Friday mornings at 8:15 AM. I hope you have a wonderful week.
❤️, Kelly
Monday, December 2 - Return to school from Thanksgiving break; IA Club
Tuesday, December 3 - Ukulele Jam; SHCS Choir at Festival of Trees at 5:30 PM
Wednesday, December 4 - 4th grade at Adoration; progress reports; Choir practice
Thursday, December 5 - Teddy Bear Storytime for Preschool through 1st Grade
Friday, December 6 - First Friday Family Lunch hosted by 4th grade; Choir at Riverglo at 7:00 PM
Saturday, December 7 - SHCS Choir at 4:30 Mass
Monday, December 9 - Immaculate Conception - Mass at 8:15 AM - wear Mass uniform; IA Club
Tuesday, December 10 - Ukulele Jam
Wednesday, December 11 - Choir practice
Thursday, December 12 - SHCS Choir at Republican Women's Luncheon
Friday, December 13 - Mass - wear Christmas outfit
Saturday, December 14 - Family Christmas Party at the Elks
Monday, December 16 - IA Club; 6:00 PM - Christmas program in the church
Tuesday, December 17 - Ukulele Jam
Wednesday, December 18 - December birthdays recognized at morning prayer; Choir practice
Thursday, December 19 - Confessions
Friday, December 20 - End of Semester 1; Release at 1:00; Christmas Break begins
December 23 - January 3; Christmas Break
Monday, December 23 - Eat at Texas Roadhouse
January 2025
Monday, January 6 - Return to school from Christmas Break
Tuesday, January 7
Wednesday, January 8 - January birthdays celebrated at morning prayer; 5th grade at Adoration; Semester 1 Report Cards sent home
Thursday, January 9 - Confessions
Friday, January 10 - First Friday Family Lunch hosted by 3rd grade