Dear Parents,
One more week until Christmas Break! I know your student is excited. This week will go by fast.
Thank you to everyone who has donated an
ornament to our beautiful 12-foot tree that was gifted to us by Father Tim and Sacred Heart Parish. All ornaments will be put back on the tree each year to remember our families and, when this tree is full, I will ask Father Tim for another one! If you want to donate an ornament from your family, just write your family name on the back and 2024. You can put it on the tree or give it to us in the office.
Huge thanks to Tina Trujillo and her family, Michaela Martinez and her family, and Quality Appliance for our wonderful
Christmas party last night at the Elks Club. Our students had so much fun being together, and so did the parents. The most often heard comment was that we should do this more often! The decorations were beautiful; the food was delicious; the location was perfect, but the best part of the evening was being around people who love SHCS. It is truly the people who make our school such a magical place.
Santa Shop is still open for donations and for shopping. Thank you to everyone who has donated items, and to everyone who has shopped at the store. The 8th graders, under the supervision of Ms. Alysia, have been running the Santa Shop and will be using the money they raise for their Legacy Project.
Yesterday, we had four teams compete at the
Robotics competition at Heights Middles School. 11 teams competed in all and six advanced to state. Guess what! All four of our teams advanced, meaning Sacred Heart Catholic School teams make up four of the six teams headed to state in February. Two of our teams won special awards. The Robot Design Award went to Snake Pit and the Innovation Project Award was won by Junkyard Dogs. There is no way I can do justice to our Robotics teams' accomplishments in this little paragraph. I will send all of the information tomorrow. Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Idzerda for making Robotic possible at SHCS.
Our teachers in Kindergarten through 8th grade will continue the
safety lessons
required by the diocese.
Lesson 3 - Boundaries: You Have Rights!
Children must understand they have a right to be safe, and they are allowed to create boundaries to protect themselves in situations where they feel uncomfortable, or where they could be harmed.
Special thanks to Ms. Gapinski for giving our choir the opportunity to serve our community through song. They gave a beautiful presentation at the Republican Women's Luncheon on Thursday. On Monday, we have our school
Christmas program. Ms. Gapinski and our students have been working hard to create a beautiful program for everyone. It is traditional for families to bring a canned good or other non-perishable item to the program and place it in the basket in the foyer of the church. Will you please have your student at school by 5:45 PM? Students can wear their Mass uniform or "Sunday Best" to the Christmas Program. Thank you for making it possible for your student to be here. We have added a cookie reception to the evening in the Family Center, so please join us!
This week IA Club and Ukulele Jam will
not meet.
On Wednesday during all three lunches,
Coach Katie will be in the dunk tank
to celebrate reaching $25,000 in our Walkathon. Everyone is welcome.
On Thursday, students can wear
pajamas to school.
Friday we have Mass and students can wear
Christmas outfits again. Father Tim said everyone looked so cute. Father Jeff will be here Friday for Mass so he will get to see how cute our students are, too.
We have Early Release next Friday at
1:00 PM. We do have before-school care, but we do NOT have after-school care.
Texas Roadhouse is sharing 10% of the revenue earned from SHCS guests on Monday, December 23 from 4 - 9 PM. I will send the flyer. before then.
In January we will change from recognizing
birthdays and going to
confession from the end of the month to the beginning of the month.
I hope you have a wonderful week. Join us for morning prayer and Mass when possible!
❤️, Kelly
This Week; December 16 - 20
Monday, December 16 -6:00 PM - Christmas program in the church; Cookie reception in the Family Center; No IA Club
Tuesday, December 17 - No Ukulele Jam
Wednesday, December 18 - December birthdays recognized at morning prayer; Coach Katie in the dunk tank during lunches; First grade will visit the Four Corners Home for Children to deliver the gifts they collected for the children living there; Choir practice
Thursday, December 19 - Confessions; Students can wear pjs
Friday, December 20 - End of Semester 1; Release at 1:00; (Before school care - yes; after school care - no) Christmas Break begins; Students can wear a Christmas outfit
December 23 - January 3; Christmas Break
Monday, December 23 - Texas Roadhouse will donate 10% of their sales for people who bring in our flyer.
January 6 - 10, 2025