Dear Parents, Teachers, and Staff,
Hi! Who's tired? Definitely me! In addition to all of the wonderful classroom activities our teachers provide, we were busy with special activities and events this week.
Thank you to:
Special thanks to:
There are so many people to thank and I know I missed someone, so I apologize.
Congratulations to our raffle winners!
The first place prize of the camper was won by Marie Strickler.
The second place prize of the go-cart was won by Filberto Montoya.
The third place prize of the camp chairs and Ninja cooler was won by Shirley Grubb.
Each one of you is greatly appreciated. Mrs. Carla is working on adding our income and subtracting our expenses. We will let you know how much money was raised as soon as she has that information.
As a Catholic School, we believe that human beings are relational, and that we experience four types of relationships. Our primary relationship is with God. As body and soul we have a relationship within ourself. Since we belong to our Heavenly Father, we have a relation with creation itself. Our 4th relationship is with other humans. These relations make us who we are as humans. At SHCS we are blessed to experience these four relations each day. Teachers and Staff, thank you for providing opportunities for our students to know God, get to know themselves better, learn about Creation, and for having a loving and caring relationship with our students. Parents, thank you for trusting Sacred Heart Catholic School with your students.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
By this time you should have a conference scheduled with your student's teacher for children up through 5th grade. Middle school teachers will meet with 6th graders on Tuesday, October 8 from 3:30 to 5:45 PM in the middle school. Middle school teachers will meet with 7th and 8th graders on Wednesday, October 9 from 3:30 to 5:30 PM in the middle school. If you can't attend on your student's night, or if you have siblings and want to attend on the same night, do what works for you. Just come to the middle school when it is a convenient time for you, and the teachers will meet with you. Thank you for attending your student's conference.
Because of conferences, there will not be Ukulele practice this week.
Night to Remember Meeting
We will have our first Night to Remember meeting at 6:00 PM on Wednesday, October 9 in our school library. We will introduce our new Co-Chairs, Ashley Seyfarth and Jenni Strickler, and begin planning for NTR which will be Saturday, April 26, 2025, at the Farmington Civic Center. Everyone is welcome at this meeting.
Blessing of the Lower Gardens
Father Tim will bless all our flower gardens in the back of the main building on Thursday, October 10 at 10:00 AM. Each flower bed was sponsored by a family in honor or memory of someone, and each bed will have a plaque with that information. Families who sponsored a flower bed are encouraged to be here for the blessing; everyone else is welcome, too.
Quarter 1
Quarter 1 ends on Friday, October 11. Report Cards will be sent home on Wednesday, October 16.
No School on Friday and Monday
Because of conferences, we will not have school this Friday, October 11.
Because of Columbus Day, we will not have school next Monday, October 14.
Let's eat Pizza!
Dr. Grandjean has secured another opportunity for us to raise money for our school by simply eating out, and this time it is at Pizza Hut on 20th Street. On Friday, October 11, which is a school holiday, during their regular business hours of 11 AM to 10 PM, Pizza Hut will donate 20% of the sales generated. We will send home the information sheet with our Fundraiser Ticket. For our school to get 20% of your purchase, you can bring a printed copy of the ticket, show the ticket on your phone, or mention the fundraiser when calling. So far, we have received $204 from Fuddruckers and $225 for Cold Stone. Thank you for supporting our school at these businesses. Both places have commented on how wonderful our families are.
Vision Screening
Cathy McDonald and the Farmington Evening Lions Club will be here with the KidSight Program to do a vision screening for our students on Thursday, October 17.
Our school's walk-a-thon is scheduled for Thursday, October 24. This year the walk-a-thon will be at Piedra Vista High School. T-shirts for the Walkathon are $10 each. We ordered special neon shirts in different colors for the three groups. Coach Katie will be sending out more information this week. Will you please pay for your student's t-shirt by October 23? They are $10 each. You can pay Carla in the office or she can add it to your Gradelink account. Just email Carla if you would like to pay online and she can set it up for you.
Holiday Farms Field Trip
Students in grades Preschool through 5th will be going to Holiday Farms on Friday, October 25. We will go to Mass, then leave SHCS around 9:30. Students can wear spirit wear and should bring a lunch to eat at the farm.
Middle School on October 25
Students in Grades 6 - 8 will be learning about etiquette and having a special meal on Friday, October 25 while the rest of the school is at Holiday Farms. They will also be completing a service project for the senior center.
Knights of Columbus Halloween Bingo
The Knights of Columbus will be hosting a Halloween Bingo on Saturday, October 26. Doors open at 5:00 PM. This is a fun family event and children can wear their Halloween costumes.
October Birthdays
October birthdays will be celebrated at morning prayer on Wednesday, October 30.
October Confession
Father Tim and Father Jeff will hear confessions after morning prayer on Thursday, October 31.
Halloween at SHCS
We will do the same thing this year as we did last year for Halloween. We will have a uniform parade in the gym, a story from Father Tim under the maple tree, and Trunk or Treat in the Family Center parking lot. More details soon.
I hope you have a great week.
❤️, Kelly
Monday, October 7 - IA Club; Parent/Teacher conferences begin
Tuesday, October 8 - Ukulele Jam; Parent/Teacher conferences
Wednesday, October 9 - Choir practice; Parent/Teacher conferences; Night to Remember Meeting at 6:00 PM
Thursday, October 10 - Blessing of the lower flower gardens at 10:00 AM; Parent/Teacher conferences
Friday, October 11 - No school; Fundraiser at Pizza Hut on 20th Street
Monday, October 14 - Columbus Day - no school
Tuesday, October 15 - Ukulele Jam
Wednesday, October 16 - Report Cards; Choir
Thursday, October 17 - Vision screening
Friday, October 18 -
Monday, October 21 - IA Club
Tuesday, October 22 - Ukulele Jam
Wednesday, October 23 - Choir practice
Thursday, October 24 - Walk-a-thon at PV
Friday, October 25 - Field trip to Holiday Farms for Preschool through 5th grade; Etiquette Banquet for middle school
Monday, October 28 - IA Club
Tuesday, October 29 - Ukulele Jam
Wednesday, October 30 - October birthdays celebrated at morning prayer; Choir practice
Thursday, October 31 - Confessions; Halloween story with Father Tim; Trunk-or-Treat