Dear Parents and Guardians,
Welcome to the 6th week of school! September will be over before we know it.
At Sacred Heart Catholic School, we believe the life and teaching of Jesus Christ are the foundation of all learning. In everything we do, from the curriculum we choose to the staff we hire, helping students know God and get to Heaven drive our decisions. What is the point of everything else we do if we are not first and foremost helping our students get to Heaven? Mr. Burnham asks "Where are we trying to get?" often during morning prayer, and it is so wonderful to hear our students yell enthusiastically "Heaven!" You are always welcome to join us for morning prayer Monday through Thursday at 7:55 AM, and mass on Friday at 8:15 AM. There is truly no better way to start each day.
Cornivore Sales
Congratulations to Hadley Edwards in Miss Chavez's Kindergarten class for selling the most bags of popcorn. Hadley sold 64 bags! Congratulations to Mrs. Idzerda's 5th grade class for having the highest average of sales per student. The 5th graders averaged $187.21 per student. As a school our students sold 2210 bags of popcorn and brought in $15,922. After we pay for the popcorn, this fundraiser will make over $7500.00. Thank you to each and every family who made this possible, and especially to Michaela Martinez for organizing it.
Walk-a-Thon T-shirts
On Wednesday of this week, your student will bring home an order form for our Walk-a-Thon t-shirt. This year's walk-a-thon will be a color run. Every time your student finishes a lap, a different color of powder will sprayed. The Howle's have designed the white t-shirt to commemorate our first color run. The shirts are $10 each. This t-shirt is not required, just a fun detail. Any white t-shirt will do.
Works of Mercy Project
We are still in the planning stages for our family projects for our Works of Mercy Club, but we would like to support the Girl Scouts project at the church. You can read
Tim's entire message here. The Girl Scouts from Sacred Heart Catholic Church have bins in the lobby of the church to provide basic necessities for anyone who comes in, including food and hygiene items. If you would like to contribute, you can drop items off in the school's office. We will take the items to the church office.
Safety Committee
On Wednesday of this week our Safety Committee will meet at 6:00 PM at the school. Everyone is welcome.
Vision Screening
NM Lions Operation KidSight will be here Thursday, September 21, to screen our students aged 3 - 10 for vision issues. Students who normally wear glasses should wear them to the screening.
Bishop's Golf Tournament
Students in grades 7 and 8 will be helping with the Bishop's golf tournament on Friday, September 22, if they have want to and if they have parent permission. Mrs. Head is the contact person for this activity.
School-wide Field Trip to Holiday Farms
Please let your student's teacher know by this Friday if you would like to chaperone the field trip to Holiday Farms on October 12. Remember, your VIRTUS has to be up-to-date and your background check complete to chaperone.
Wednesday, September 27
Spirit Day - look for a new online shop coming soon.
Birthdays for staff and students will be celebrated at morning prayer.
Progress Reports will be sent home.
Thursday, September 28
Father Tim and Father Jeff will hear confessions for students in grades 3 through 8 who have made their first confession. Students can also go to a priest for a blessing. We will meet in the gym for the Act of Contrition, then Mr. Burnham, the 5th graders, and middle school students will go to the church. We will call for grades 3 and 4.
Fall Fest Fundraiser
Our Fall Fest is going to be AWESOME! We only have 250 tickets to sell, so please get yours as soon as possible. There will be activities for all ages, including a Cake Walk. Ms. Carla sent out an email asking for each family to bring a cake, cupcakes, or cookies for the Cake Walk; please see her email for more details.
There are so many things happening at our school, and it feels like I am asking for a lot! Please know that anything and everything you do for our school is recognized and appreciated.
Thank you for trusting Sacred Heart Catholic School with your student.