Dear Parents,
Welcome to the 2024 - 2025 school year! Thank you so much for trusting our school with your student. If you are a returning family, welcome back! If you are a new family, welcome! We are so thankful that all of you chose our school.
Thank you for the tremendous turnout we had at our Family Picnic and School Open House on Friday afternoon. It was wonderful seeing our families at school again.
New Staff
We are so excited to welcome our new staff to Sacred Heart Catholic School.
Candace Beasley – Kindergarten Danielle Grandjean – STEM Coordinator
Alysia Greaney – Computer teacher Shannon Hamlin – 3rd Grade
Kathy Peterson – Library teacher Laura Vickers – 5th Grade
Three Masses
We start the new school year with three masses this week! We will go to mass on Monday to start the year off with a blessing from Father Tim. Then on Thursday, we will go to mass for the Assumption holy day. On Friday, we will attend our regular Friday mass.
Friday is the only day that students are required to wear their mass uniform.
Breakfast, Lunch and Snack
Once again, Farmington Municipal Schools will provide hot lunch to any student who wants it at no cost to the family. Additionally, they will be providing breakfast that will be served in the classrooms during morning snack time, as well as an afternoon snack. Of course, students are always welcome to bring their own lunch to school. Menus for lunch and both snacks are in Gradelink.
Morning and afternoon snack will not start until Wednesday.
The teachers were not aware of this because we were not notified until later in the day on Friday.
Forms to be Signed and Returned
Your student will be bringing home some information from the office, and forms to be signed and returned. One of the forms is the Lunch Application that FMS requires all of our families complete and return. The form asks for income information. If you are not comfortable providing that information, just write NA.
FMS needs an application from every family, but they do not require you to enter your income information.
Another form to be signed and returned is your acknowledgement of the information in our
School Handbook. Some of the important information, including dress code and electronic devices, will also be included with the acknowledgement form. Thank you for signing and returning these forms.
Updated Dress Code
We have made just a few changes to our dress code. Girls no longer must wear black or brown dress shoes to Mass on Friday; they can choose the color of their dress shoes. Please make sure your girls wear shorts and skirts that are a length approximately three inches above their knees, and please have them always wear black shorts under their skirts. For both girls and boys, since spirit shirts do not have to be tucked in, we have dropped the requirement for a black or brown belt on Spirit Days.
Spirit Days will continue to be every Thursday.
Spirit Store
Spirit Store is on our website and open for pre-orders or spirit day t-shirts and other merchandise. Orders will be filled mid-September. Also in the online spirit store is our yearbook for last school year! Our sixth grade girls and Mrs. Bonita worked hard during the last few weeks of the year to get a yearbook for our school. The cost is $20 per book and can be pre-ordered now, for delivery in a few weeks.
First Friday Lunches
So that parents can make plans to attend our family lunches, they will now be on the first Friday of each month, beginning in September. Like last year, we will have a different class host the lunches. Here is the schedule and class that is hosting:
We will have four fundraisers this year:
School Closet
We have uniforms in all sizes in our school closet that are free for anyone who wants them!
Volunteer Requirements
Remember, to be able to chaperone field trips or help in any way at our school, volunteers are required to complete the following:
From Fran in the Safe Environment Office:
Thank you for helping our school and for making sure our children are safe. I am happy to check your VIRTUS status; just let me know.
Calendar Change
Our last day of school is
Thursday, May 22, 2025 at 3:15 PM, and not on Friday, May 23, 2025 at 9:30 AM.
Saint Pio's Prayer for our Children
Loving God, I prayerfully entrust our children and teenagers to Your special care.
Bless them with Your love and goodness.
Grant them continued growth in wisdom, knowledge and virtue.
Protect them day and night, at home, in school, at play.
Inspire them each day to do their best.
Strengthen them during times of discouragement and disappointment.
Make them ever mindful of the needs of others, kind and caring toward the elderly and all those less fortunate.
May our children walk in the paths of holiness, as Your instruments of joy, love and peace in our family and in our world.
Never hesitate to share with me your concerns or suggestions you have to help our school. I am available at any time through email, calls, or text and, of course,in person . My cell phone number is 936-554-8752.
❤️, Kelly