Dear Parents,
W=Welcome to Week 2 of the 2024 - 2025 school year. I sincerely hope your student had a great first week of school. There were a lot of tired kiddos (and adults) by Friday afternoon, that's for sure.
As a Catholic school that teaches the Catholic Identity, our purpose is to make disciples of our students to help them get to Heaven. Catholic schools are a part of the saving mission of the church and Jesus is the foundation for all Catholic schools. What an honor and privilege it is for us to get to help fulfill the mission of Catholic schools by teaching the Gospel values each day. Thank you for trusting Sacred Heart Catholic School with your student.
Thursday Mornings
Beginning this Thursday, we will meet in the church at 8:00 AM for Mr. Burnham to teach an extended series on Mass. Each week he will discuss a different part of Mass. I am so excited for this opportunity for our students to learn this valuable information in small chunks.
August 24
This coming Saturday is a workday at our school, which is part of our Works of Mercy Family Club activities. We will have a professional landscaper here to show us how to get water to our raised flower beds and irrigation to the flower beds in front of the portable building so we can add roses there, too. We will have donuts and coffee in the morning, and hot dogs for lunch. The workday starts at 9:00 AM. Mrs. Carla will give double hours for working this Saturday.
August Birthdays and Confession
We will celebrate August birthdays on Wednesday, August 28 at morning prayer.
We will have confession after Mr. Burnham’s Mass lesson on Thursday, August 29.
Labor Day
September 2 is Labor Day, and it is a holiday for our school. Dr. Grandjean has organized another opportunity for our school to receive a donation, this time by eating ice cream! From 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM on Labor Day, Cold Stone will give our school a portion of their revenue when Sacred Heart Catholic School is mentioned when paying. Thank you for eating at Fuddruckers in July. When we receive their check, I will let you know how much we earned by eating burgers.
First Friday Family Lunch
Our first family lunch is Friday, September 6. This lunch will be hosted by the 7th and 8th graders. We will celebrate Grandparents Day and the coming of Autumn. Preschool through 1st grade eat at 11:05 AM; 2nd through 4th grades eat at 11:30 AM; and 5th through 8th grades eat at 12:05 PM. We do not know what is on the FMS menu for that day. When we know what it is, if it is something you would like to eat, adults can purchase a meal for $5.00. You can also bring lunch for you and your student.
School Pictures
School pictures will be taken after Mass on Friday, September 13. Class pictures will be taken in the church. Individual pictures will be taken in the gym.
September 20
Friday, September 20 is a holiday for students. All our teachers will be attending an inservice training in Gallup. Will you please pray for a safe trip for all of us as we travel to and from Gallup? Thank you.
A Couple of Reminders:
1. Pick-up and Drop-off
All students will enter school through the main doors each morning. Doors open at 7:45 AM and the tardy bell rings at 7:55 AM. All students will be picked up on Allen Avenue at 3:15 PM. Please make sure everyone uses the crosswalk and please do not drop off students in the red fire zone.
2. Volunteer Requirements
Remember, to be able to chaperone field trips or help in any way at our school, all volunteers are required to complete the following:
Thank you for helping our school.
I hope you and your family have a wonderful week. When possible, please join us for morning prayer at 8:00 AM on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays in the gym, and on Thursdays in the church; and for Mass at 8:15 Am on Fridays.
❤️, Kelly
Thursday, August 22 - Meet in the church for morning prayer at 800 AM
Wednesday, August 28 - August birthdays celebrated at 8:00 AM in the gym during morning prayer
Thursday, August 29 - Meet in the church for morning prayer at 800 AM; Confessions
Monday, September 2 – Labor Day Holiday and Cold Stone Revenue Sharing from 12 – 6 PM
Wednesday, September 4 – Progress Reports
Friday, September 6 – First Friday Family lunch hosted by 7th and 8th grades
Sunday, September 8 - Grandparents Day
Friday, September 13 – School pictures
Tuesday, September 17 - School Board Meeting
Wednesday, September 18 – September birthdays celebrated at morning prayer
Thursday, September 19 – Confessions after Mr. Burnham’s Mass lesson in the church
Friday, September 20 – No school - Inservice for all staff in Gallup
Sunday, September 22 - First Day of Autumn
Wednesday, September 25 – Progress Reports