Dear Parents,
I hope your student(s) had a good second week of school. We've seen fewer tears in the morning at drop-off, and all our kiddos seem to have learned our school routines, and the procedures established by our teachers in their classroom. Thank you for keeping our students safe by not parking in the red zone and for using the crosswalk. I recognize the inconvenience those things cause, especially in the morning when you are in a hurry.
As a Catholic school that teaches the Catholic faith, we acknowledge that "humans are made in God's image, in the image of God who is the Good, and His image can never be eradicated in any human person." What that means for you is that our teachers and staff are called to look at your child and truly see Jesus in him or her, treating all students with love and kindness, even while disciplining when necessary. Can you imagine a world where every person sees Jesus in everyone they meet? Thank you for trusting Sacred Heart Catholic School with your most precious children.
Works of Mercy Saturday Workday
We had a wonderful turnout for our Works of Mercy workday yesterday, Saturday, August 24. Thank you to everyone who was able to be here and for working so hard to complete several projects. Our raised flower beds are ready for planting; there are flower beds ready for roses outside the preschool/preK portable building, and our entire outside area in the back of the school is absolutely beautiful.
Click here to see the pictures of some of the projects. We will do this again in April!
Preschool/PreK Rose Gardens
Please let me know if you would like to adopt a rose garden for our Preschool/PreK building. We will have a rose garden outside Mrs. Wood's entrance, and one outside Mrs. Tso's entrance. The cost to adopt a rose garden is $400.00 and can be in memory or in honor of anyone you choose. Each rose garden will have a plaque with your family name recognizing your generous donation, and the person you are honoring or memorializing. Father Tim will be blessing all of our rose gardens next month.
August Birthdays and Confession
We will celebrate August birthdays on Wednesday, August 28 at morning prayer.
We will have confession after Mr. Burnham’s Mass lesson on Thursday, August 29.
Friday, August 30 at 7:30 AM
Father Tim will be blessing our parish middle school, and we will have a ribbon cutting done by the 8th graders at 7:30 AM this Friday, August 30. Everyone is welcome to attend. Please park in the Family Center parking lot. We are still working on logistics. I will send out an email with more information before Friday.
Last Day to Preorder a 23-24 Yearbook is Friday, August 30
Our yearbook for last year, created by several students and Mrs. Schwenk, is absolutely wonderful. They are for sale in our
spirit store through Friday, August 30. The cost is $20.00.
Labor Day
September 2 is Labor Day, and it is a holiday for our school. Dr. Grandjean has organized another opportunity for our school to receive a donation, this time by eating ice cream! From 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM on Labor Day, Cold Stone will give our school a portion of their revenue when Sacred Heart Catholic School is mentioned when paying. Thank you for eating at Fuddruckers in July. When we receive their check, I will let you know how much we earned by eating burgers.
After School Activities
Ukulele with Mrs. Idzerda will start on Tuesday, September 3 right after school in the middle school. Choir practice is every Wednesday after school in the Music room with Mrs. Gapinski, and IA Club will begin Monday, September 9, also with Mrs. Idzerda.
Grade Reporting Dates
is a schedule of when Progress Reports and Report Cards will be sent home. The Progress Report for the first three weeks of Quarter 1 will be sent home Wednesday, September 4.
First Friday Family Lunch
Our first family lunch is Friday, September 6. This lunch will be hosted by the 7th and 8th graders. We will celebrate Grandparents Day and the coming of Autumn. Preschool through 1st grade eat at 11:05 AM; 2nd through 4th grades eat at 11:30 AM; and 5th through 8th grades eat at 12:05 PM. FMS is serving chicken patty sandwiches, baked beans, and fruit. Guests can purchase a meal for $5.00 or you are welcome to bring lunch for you and your student. Please let Mrs. Carla know by 3:30 PM on Wednesday, September 4 if you would like to order a meal from FMS.
School Pictures
School pictures will be taken after Mass on Friday, September 13. Class pictures will be taken in the church. Individual pictures will be taken in the gym.
September 20
Friday, September 20 is a holiday for students. All our teachers will be attending an in-service training in Gallup. Will you please pray for a safe trip for all of us as we travel to and from Gallup? Thank you.
Please join us for morning prayer and Mass when possible; it will change your life as it has mine. I hope you and your family have a wonderful week. Please do not hesitate for one second to talk to me about concerns or to offer suggestions. Your input is valuable to me and greatly appreciated.
❤️, Kelly
Wednesday, August 28 - August birthdays celebrated at 8:00 AM in the gym during morning prayer
Thursday, August 29 - Meet in the church for morning prayer at 800 AM; Confessions
Friday, August 30 - Middle School Blessing and Ribbon Cutting at 7:30 AM in front of the middle school ; last day to preorder the 23-24 yearbook
Monday, September 2 – Labor Day Holiday and Cold Stone Revenue Sharing from 12 – 6 PM
Tuesday, September 3 - Ukulele practice
Wednesday, September 4 – Progress Reports; Choir practice
Friday, September 6 – First Friday Family lunch hosted by 7th and 8th grades
Sunday, September 8 - Grandparents Day
Monday, September 9 - IA Club
Tuesday, September 10 - Ukulele
Wednesday, September 11 - Choir practice
Friday, September 13 – School pictures
Monday, September 16 - IA Club
Tuesday, September 17 - Ukulele; School Board Meeting
Wednesday, September 18 – September birthdays celebrated at morning prayer; Choir practice
Thursday, September 19 – Confessions after Mr. Burnham’s Mass lesson in the church
Friday, September 20 – No school - Inservice for all staff in Gallup
Sunday, September 22 - First Day of Autumn
Monday, September 23 - IA Club
Tuesday, September 24 - Ukulele
Wednesday, September 25 – Progress Reports; Choir practice
Monday, September 30 - IA Club