Dear Parents,
Happy September! The first three weeks of school went by quickly, and I don't expect any different for the second three weeks. We have gotten into the routine of our schedule at school, and hopefully students have settled into the routine of homework. We've been to Mass five times, and we are learning more about all the different parts of Mass with Mr. Burnham on Thursdays. We have celebrated August birthdays and our students in grades three and higher had the opportunity to go to confession. This is all in addition to the wonderful lessons and activities our teachers are providing for our students. With a busy schedule like ours, time does seem to fly!
As a Catholic school, we believe that "Parents are the principal and first educators of their children." (CCC1653) As a school we are called to support you in your role as primary educators. Everything we do at school should support, reinforce, and augment the formation parents give in the home. When our teachers and staff share their faith with our families, whether it's through their newsletter or their daily interactions with students, we all benefit because everyone grows when the faith is shared. Pope John Paul II said it best, "As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the whole world in which we live." Prayer for our students, school, and families underlies all the work that we do in a Catholic school. Our prayers unite ourselves to God and invite Him to have an active presence in everything we do at school. Thank you for trusting Sacred Heart Catholic School with your children and thank you for blessing our school with your family.
Today is the perfect day for ice cream!
Dr. Grandjean has organized another opportunity for our school to receive a donation, this time by eating ice cream! Cold Stone will give our school 20% of their total sales. Simply place your receipt in the Sacred Heart Catholic School donation jar during checkout. Their hours today are from 11:00 AM to 9:00 PM.
Fall Fest and Fall Fest Raffle
Instead of selling popcorn this year, we will have a raffle to go along with our Fall Fest. Students will be selling raffle tickets for $25.00 each beginning Tuesday, September 3. The first place prize is a camper valued at $16,000; second place is a go-cart; and third place is camping chairs and a cooler. We had a very generous supporter of our school offer all of the prizes at no cost, and this was simply an opportunity that we could not pass up. For this raffle to be successful, we are asking for each student to sell 8 raffle tickets. The prizes are so good that selling tickets should not be difficult. The drawing will be held Sunday, October 6 at our Fabulous Fall Fest at Wines of the San Juan. Tickets for the event will be on sale soon.
After School Clubs
Ukulele Jam
will start Tuesday, September 3 and meet each Tuesday after school with Mrs. idzerda in the middle school. Ukulele Jam is for students in 2nd grade and higher.
International Appreciation Club will start Monday, September 9 and meet each Monday after school with Mrs. Idzerda, also in the middle school.
continues to meet every Wednesday after school with Ms. Gapinski in the Music room.
Progress Reports
Progress Reports will be sent home this Wednesday, September 4.
First Friday Family Lunch on Friday, September 6
Our first family lunch will be Friday, September 6, hosted by 7th and 8th grades. We will be celebrating Grandparents Day, which is Sunday, September 8.
School Pictures
School pictures will be taken after Mass on Friday, September 13. Class pictures will be taken in the church. Individual pictures will be taken in the gym.
School Board Meeting
There is a school board meeting at 5:00 PM on Tuesday, September 17.
September Birthdays
We will celebrate September birthdays on Wednesday, September 18.
September Confessions
Father Tim and Father Jeff will hear confessions on Thursday, September 19 after morning prayer in the church.
September 20
Friday, September 20 is a holiday for students. All SHCS teachers will be attending an in-service in Gallup.
Our school's walk-a-thon is scheduled for Thursday, October 24. This year the walk-a-thon will be at Piedra Vista High School. More details soon.
Please join us for morning prayer each day at 8:00 AM, and/or Mass on Fridays at 8:15 AM. It is an honor to get to live our faith with our families.
I hope you have a wonderful week.
❤️, Kelly
Monday, September 2 – Labor Day Holiday and Cold Stone Revenue Sharing
Tuesday, September 3 - Begin Fall Fest Raffle ticket sales; Ukulele Jam
Wednesday, September 4 – Progress Reports; Choir practice
Friday, September 6 – First Friday Family lunch hosted by 7th and 8th grades
Sunday, September 8 - Grandparents Day
Monday, September 9 - IA Club
Tuesday, September 10 - Ukulele Jam
Wednesday, September 11 - Choir practice
Thursday, September 12 - Middle School field trip to Farmington Museum
Friday, September 13 – School pictures
Monday, September 16 - IA Club
Tuesday, September 17 - Ukulele; School Board Meeting
Wednesday, September 18 – September birthdays celebrated at morning prayer; Choir practice
Thursday, September 19 – Confessions after Mr. Burnham’s Mass lesson in the church
Friday, September 20 – No school - Inservice for all staff in Gallup
Sunday, September 22 - First Day of Autumn
Monday, September 23 - IA Club
Tuesday, September 24 - Ukulele Jam
Wednesday, September 25 – Progress Reports; Choir practice
Monday, September 30 - IA Club