Dear Parents,
Walkathon is this week! On Wednesday we will be sending home our neon colored Walkathon shirts. These can be worn as spirit shirts on Thursdays throughout the year. $10 is a great price for a spirit shirt that can be worn multiple times. On Thursday, we will leave school after morning prayer and all go to PVHS. Group 1, which is Preschool through 1st grade, will run first. The other classes will cheer from the bleachers. At approximately 9:30, Group 2, which is 2nd through 4th grades, will run, followed by Group 3 around 10:30, which is 5th through 8th grades. Coach Katie has a surprise for our students after they run each lap. Our Walkathon should be a lot of fun for our students.
Our goal is to raise $25,000. You should have received an email from 99Pledges where sponsors can make online donations to support your student, and a pledge sheet from Coach Katie. Thank you for helping your student get sponsors to make our Walkathon a successful fundraiser.
As a Catholic school, we believe that human beings are relational, and we are formed for friendships which can be fruitful. I remind out students often that the friendships made at our school can last a lifetime. Thank you for sharing your wonderful children with us.
Holiday Farms Field Trip
Students in grades Preschool through 5th will be going to Holiday Farms on Friday, October 25. We will go to Mass, then leave SHCS around 9:30. Students can wear spirit wear and should bring a lunch to eat at the farm. Will you please return your permission form and pay your student's $7 entrance fee by Monday, October 21?
Middle School on October 25
Middle school will be learning about etiquette and have a special meal on Friday, October 25 while the rest of the school is at Holiday Farms. They will also be completing a service project for the senior center. Will you please have your student turn in his or her permission form on Monday, October 21, along with the money for the etiquette banquet?
Knights of Columbus Halloween Bingo
The Knights of Columbus will be hosting a Halloween Bingo on Saturday, October 26. Doors open at 5:00 PM. This is a fun family event, and children can wear their Halloween costumes. See attached.
Book Fair
Our fall book fair begins Monday, October 28. The book fair will be in the workroom and go through Friday, November 1. Please join us Monday, October 28 from 5:00 - 7:00 PM for Family Night. The book fair will be open and we will have food in the gym. There is no cost for Family Night (except for the book fair.)
Halloween at SHCS
We will do the same thing this year as we did last year for Halloween. We will have a costume parade in the gym, a story from Father Tim under the maple tree, and Trunk or Treat in the Family Center parking lot.
October Birthdays
October birthdays will be celebrated at morning prayer on Wednesday, October 30.
October Confession
Father Tim and Father Jeff will hear confessions after morning prayer on Thursday, October 31.
Background Checks
The diocese is transitioning from Mind Your Business to for background checks on Friday, November 1. The cost will go from $18 to $25 on November 1. If you have not gotten your background check done in the last five years, now is a good time. Remember, if you HAVE gotten your background checked in the past five years, you do NOT need to do it again, even if the VIRTUS website says you do. Beginning November 1, if you still need to have your background check done, you can do it on the VIRTUS website. Please remember you do not need to have your driving record checked, only your background.
First Friday Lunch for November
Our 5th graders will be hosting our first Friday lunch for November on Friday, November 1.
All Saints Day
Friday, November 1 is All Saints Day. Students can dress as saints for Mass that day.
Choir at Mass
Our beautiful SHCS choir will be leading the music at the 4:30 PM Mass on Saturday, November 2.
November Works of Mercy Project
On Monday, November 4 we will begin collecting items for our November Works of Mercy project. More details soon.
Namaste House on November 6
On Tuesday, November 6, our school presents "Songs of Gratitude" at Namaste House. This is a choir event lead Ms. apinski but open to other students to participate as well.
Progress Reports
Quarter 2 Progress Reports will be sent home on Wednesday, November 6.
November Birthdays
November birthdays will be celebrated at morning prayer on Wednesday, November 20.
November Confessions
November confessions will be heard on Thursday November 21.
Thanksgiving Break
Thanksgiving break begins Friday, November 22 at 1:00 PM. We will have before school care, but not after school. We return to school after Thanksgiving Break on Monday, December 2.
Knights of Columbus Thanksgiving Bingo
The Knights of Columbus will be having their Thanksgiving Bingo on Saturday, November 23.
SHCS Choir at Festival of Trees
Our choir will be performing at the Festival of Trees on Tuesday, December 3.
Progress Reports
Quarter 2 Progress Reports will be sent home Wednesday, December 4.
December First Friday Lunch
Our First Friday Lunch for December is Friday, December 6, hosted by our 4th grade.
School Christmas Party
Our school Christmas party is Saturday, December 14 at the Elks Club. This event is totally free for our parents.
School Christmas Program
Our school Christmas program is Monday, December 16 at 6:00 PM in the church.
December Birthdays
December birthdays will be celebrated at morning prayer on Wednesday, December 18.
December Confessions
Confessions will be heard by Father Tim and Father Jeff on Thursday, December 19.
Christmas Break Begins December 20
We will have early release at 1:00 PM on Friday, December 20 to begin Christmas Break. We will have before school care, but not after school care.
Quarter 2
Quarter 2 ends Friday, December 20.
I hope you have a wonderful week. Join us for morning prayer and Mass when you can.
❤️, Kelly
Monday, October 21 - IA Club
Tuesday, October 22 - Ukulele Jam
Wednesday, October 23 - Choir practice
Thursday, October 24 - Walk-a-thon at PV
Friday, October 25 - Field trip to Holiday Farms for Preschool through 5th grade; Etiquette Banquet for middle school
Saturday, October 26 - Halloween Bingo at the Knights of Columbus
Monday, October 28 - IA Club
Tuesday, October 29 - Ukulele Jam
Wednesday, October 30 - October birthdays celebrated at morning prayer; Choir practice
Thursday, October 31 - Confessions; Halloween story with Father Tim; Trunk-or-Treat
Friday, November 1 - All Saints Day; First Friday Family lunch hosted by 5th grade
Saturday, November 2 - SHCS Choir at 4:30 Mass
Monday, November 4 - Begin collecting items for our November Works of Mercy project; IA Club
Tuesday, November 5 - Ukulele Jam; Election Day
Wednesday, November 6 - 3rd grade at Adoration; Progress Reports; Songs of Gratitude at Namaste House
Thursday, November 7
Friday, November 8
Monday, November 11 - Veterans Day; IA Club
Tuesday, November 12 - Ukulele Jam
Wednesday, November 13 - Choir practice
Thursday, November 14
Friday, November 14
Monday, November 18 - IA Club
Tuesday, November 19 - Ukulele Jam
Wednesday, November 20 - November birthdays celebrated at morning prayer; Choir practice
Thursday, November 21 - Confessions
Friday, November 22 - Early release at 1:00 PM; deliver Works of Mercy donations; begin Thanksgiving Break
Saturday, November 23 - Knights of Columbus Thanksgiving Bingo
November 25 - 29 Thanksgiving Break
Monday, December 2 - Return to school from Thanksgiving break; IA Club
Tuesday, December 3 - Ukulele Jam; SHCS Choir at Festival of Trees
Wednesday, December 4 - 4th grade at Adoration; progress reports; Choir practice
Thursday, December 5
Friday, December 6 - First Friday Family Lunch hosted by 4th grade
Saturday, December 7 - SHCS Choir at 4:30 Mass
Monday, December 9 - Immaculate Conception - Mass at 8:15 AM - wear Mass uniform; IA Club
Tuesday, December 10 - Ukulele Jam
Wednesday, December 11 - Choir practice
Thursday, December 12 - SHCS Choir at Republican Women's Luncheon
Friday, December 13 -
Saturday, December 14 - Family Christmas Party at the Elks
Monday, December 16 - IA Club; 6:00 PM - Christmas program in the church
Tuesday, December 17 - Ukulele Jam
Wednesday, December 18 - December birthdays recognized at morning prayer; Choir practice
Thursday, December 19 - Confessions
Friday, December 20 - End of Semester 1; Release at 1:00; Christmas Break begins
December 23 - January 3; Christmas Break