Dear Parents,
This past week was a busy one with two field trips and our etiquette banquette for our middle school students. This coming week is looking like more of the same, but then we slow down a little in November.
Thank you for driving our students to PV for the Walkathon and to Holiday Farms. As you know we could not go on any field trips if it weren't for our parents driving our students.
As a Catholic School, we believe that when we promote the good of the individual, we serve the common good. Each one of our students contributes to the overall success of our school just by being our student. Thank you for trusting SHCS with your student.
Thank you for making our Walkathon a success. Special thanks to Coach Katie for all of her hard work. The students who completed the most laps in each of the three groups and the students who raised the most money will be announced as soon as possible. These six winners will get to go on Bubba's Party Bus to Pizza Hut for lunch and Cold Stone Creamery for dessert on Thursday, November 7. Each student can invite an adult and a friend to go with them. Bubba's Party Bus is just like a school bus in that it does not have seat belts. Just FYI.
Every single donation has helped us to get close to our school goal of $25,000 and having to find a dunk tank for Coach Katie to get in and be dunked! Coach Katie will let you know our final amount raised early next week so there is still time to help get us reach our goal. All money and online donations are due this Thursday. Your generous support of our school is greatly appreciated.
This is the last week for $18.00 background checks. If you have not gotten your background checked in the last five years, see Mrs. Carla for the paperwork. After Thursday, all background checks will be $25.00 and have to be requested online at the VIRTUS website.
This will be another busy week here at SHCS.
SHCS Choir at Festival of Trees
Our choir will be performing at the Festival of Trees on Tuesday, December 3.
Progress Reports
Quarter 2 Progress Reports will be sent home Wednesday, December 4.
December First Friday Lunch
Our First Friday Lunch for December is Friday, December 6, hosted by our 4th grade.
School Christmas Party
Our school Christmas party is Saturday, December 14 at the Elks Club. This event is totally free for our parents.
School Christmas Program
Our school Christmas program is Monday, December 16 at 6:00 PM in the church.
December Birthdays
December birthdays will be celebrated at morning prayer on Wednesday, December 18.
December Confessions
Confessions will be heard by Father Tim and Father Jeff on Thursday, December 19.
Christmas Break Begins December 20
We will have early release at 1:00 PM on Friday, December 20 to begin Christmas Break. We will have before school care, but not after school care.
Quarter 2
Quarter 2 ends Friday, December 20.
I hope you have a wonderful week. Join us for morning prayer and Mass when you can.
❤️, Kelly
Book Fair Week
Monday, October 28 - IA Club; Book Fair Family Night
Tuesday, October 29 - Ukulele Jam
Wednesday, October 30 - October birthdays celebrated at morning prayer; Choir practice
Thursday, October 31 - Confessions; Halloween story with Father Tim; Trunk-or-Treat
Friday, November 1 - All Saints Day; First Friday Family lunch hosted by 5th grade
Saturday, November 2 - SHCS Choir at 4:30 Mass
Monday, November 4 - Begin collecting items for our November Works of Mercy project; IA Club
Tuesday, November 5 - Ukulele Jam; Election Day
Wednesday, November 6 - 3rd grade at Adoration; Progress Reports; Choir practice
Thursday, November 7
Friday, November 8
Monday, November 11 - Veterans Day; IA Club
Tuesday, November 12 - Ukulele Jam
Wednesday, November 13 - Choir practice
Thursday, November 14
Friday, November 14
Monday, November 18 - IA Club
Tuesday, November 19 - Ukulele Jam
Wednesday, November 20 - November birthdays celebrated at morning prayer; Choir practice
Thursday, November 21 - Confessions
Friday, November 22 - Early release at 1:00 PM; deliver Works of Mercy donations; begin Thanksgiving Break
Saturday, November 23 - Knights of Columbus Thanksgiving Bingo
November 25 - 29 Thanksgiving Break
Monday, December 2 - Return to school from Thanksgiving break; IA Club
Tuesday, December 3 - Ukulele Jam; SHCS Choir at Festival of Trees
Wednesday, December 4 - 4th grade at Adoration; progress reports; Choir practice
Thursday, December 5
Friday, December 6 - First Friday Family Lunch hosted by 4th grade; Choir at Riverglo
Saturday, December 7 - SHCS Choir at 4:30 Mass
Monday, December 9 - Immaculate Conception - Mass at 8:15 AM - wear Mass uniform; IA Club
Tuesday, December 10 - Ukulele Jam
Wednesday, December 11 - Choir practice
Thursday, December 12 - SHCS Choir at Republican Women's Luncheon
Friday, December 13 - Family Christmas Party at the Elks
Monday, December 16 - IA Club; 6:00 PM - Christmas program in the church
Tuesday, December 17 - Ukulele Jam
Wednesday, December 18 - December birthdays recognized at morning prayer; Choir practice
Thursday, December 19 - Confessions
Friday, December 20 - End of Semester 1; Release at 1:00; Christmas Break begins
December 23 - January 3; Christmas Break