Dear Parents,
This is a short week for our students since we do not have school on Friday. Our teachers will be going to Gallup for a meeting with other Catholic school teachers in our diocese. Your prayers for our safe travels are greatly appreciated.
As a Catholic School, we are a community of faith. With the student always being at the center of everything we do, we strive to work together to help us all grow in our faith. We educate the student to encounter the living God and to learn how to live in Him and for Him. Some parts of our faith are difficult to understand, but our belief that God is a loving and forgiving God gives us the hope and strength to keep trying, even when we sin, which we all do. Our faith makes the knowledge our students gain make sense, and shows our students how to live their life in such a way that they get to Heaven. Thank you for trusting Sacred Heart Catholic School with your student.
National Arts in Education Week
This past week was National Arts in Education Week. From, "The arts are an essential part of a complete education. Students from all ages benefit from artistic learning, innovative thinking, and creativity. National Arts in Education Week is a national celebration recognizing the transformative power of the arts in education." As mentioned previously, our school is extremely blessed to have a quality Music program and choir under the direction of Ms. Gapinski. We are also very, very fortunate to have an excellent Art program with our Art teacher, Mrs. Isbell.
529 Savings Plan
I heard back from a few of our parents who use the 529 Savings Plan. There are several financial advising companies that offer this as one of their savings options. The short description is that parents can contribute up to $10,000 per year to their children's account, and that money is excluded from their parents' taxable income. Parents are able to withdraw the amount of their student's tuition from this account to pay their children's tuition at K - 12 private schools with no penalty. Additionally, the interest earned on this savings plan is not taxable. Thank you to everyone who replied with this information.
School Newspaper
Did you see our first Sacred Heart Catholic School Newspaper that was delivered to each student Friday afternoon? It is fabulous! We have 12 middle school students who created this newspaper under the supervision of our computer teacher Ms. Alysia. If you did not see the printed version, we can send you an electronic copy. I can't wait until their next edition!
Sprit Wear Orders and Yearbook
Spirit wear that has been ordered through our website, as well as our yearbook for last school year, will be delivered the first week of October.
Fall Fest
Mrs. Carla has tickets to the fall fest for sale in her office. The Fall Fest is a wonderful event for our families. The cost for the event is $20 for adults, and $5 for children six and older. Children five and under are free. We will have food and games for everyone, and also a corn hole tournament for $50 per team and a canvas painting class for $10 per person. This event was so much fun last year and will be even better this year.
Fall Fest Raffle
Thank you for continuing to sell our raffle tickets, which are $25.00 each. The first place prize is a camper, which is parked inside the fence by the playground. It is so cool and sleeps five! It has a refrigerator, microwave, television, and even a fireplace. The camper is valued at $16,000. Second place is a go-cart valued at $3000; and third place is camping chairs and a cooler that are valued at $1200.00. The drawing will be held at our Fabulous Fall Fest, which is Sunday, October 6 at Wines of the San Juan.
STAR Testing
STAR Testing will be the week of September 16, with make-ups through September 30. Ms. Alysia will administer the tests during computer classes.
School Board Meeting
There is a school board meeting at 5:00 PM on Tuesday, September 17.
September Birthdays
We will celebrate September birthdays on Wednesday, September 18 during morning prayer in the gym.
September Confessions
Father Tim and Father Jeff will hear confessions on Thursday, September 19 after morning prayer in the church.
September 20
Friday, September 20 is a holiday for students as our teachers will be attending an in-service in Gallup.
Progress Reports
Progress Reports will be sent home Wednesday, September 25.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parent/Teacher Conferences are the week of October 7 through 10. There is no school on Friday, October 11 and...
Monday, October 14 - Columbus Day
...there is no school on Monday, October 14.
Our school's walk-a-thon is scheduled for Thursday, October 24. This year the walk-a-thon will be at Piedra Vista High School. More details soon.
Every single person at Sacred Heart Catholic School loves your student, and only wants what is best for him or her. We aren't perfect but our intentions to educate our students in our faith to help them get to Heaven drive us to continually strive to be better. When things happen that you feel don't match up to our intentions, I am always available to talk about your concerns, and so are our teachers. Sometimes the situation can be fixed. Sometimes we have to work together to come up with ideas to avoid the same situation in the future. Thank you for trusting that we only want what is best for our students.
Remember, we have morning prayer Monday through Wednesday in the gym at 8:00 AM, Thursday in the church at 8:00 AM, and Mass on Friday in the church at 8:15 AM. Everyone is welcome.
I hope you have a great week.
❤️, Kelly
Monday, September 16 - STAR Testing begins; IA Club
Tuesday, September 17 - Ukulele; School Board Meeting
Wednesday, September 18 – September birthdays celebrated at morning prayer; Choir practice
Thursday, September 19 – Confessions after Mr. Burnham’s Mass lesson in the church
Friday, September 20 – No school - Inservice for all staff in Gallup
Sunday, September 22 - First Day of Autumn
Monday, September 23 - IA Club
Tuesday, September 24 - Ukulele Jam
Wednesday, September 25 – Progress Reports; Choir practice
Friday, September 27 - 3rd grade to SJC School of Energy; 4th and 5th grades field trip to Farmington Museum
Monday, September 30 - IA Club
Tuesday, October 1 - Ukulele Jam
Wednesday, October 2 - Choir practice
Friday, October 4 - Family lunch hosted by 6th grade
Monday, October 7 - IA Club; Parent/Teacher conferences begin
Tuesday, October 8 - Ukulele Jam
Wednesday, October 9 - Choir practice
Thursday, October 10 - Blessing of the lower flower gardens at 10:00 AM
Friday, October 11 - No school
Monday, October 14 - Columbus Day - no school
Tuesday, October 15 - Ukulele Jam
Wednesday, October 16 - Report Cards; Choir
Thursday, October 17 -
Friday, October 18 -
Monday, October 21 - IA Club
Tuesday, October 22 - Ukulele Jam
Wednesday, October 23 - Choir practice
Thursday, October 24 - Walk-a-thon at PV
Friday, October 25 - Field trip to Holiday Farms for Preschool through 5th grade
Monday, October 28 - IA Club
Tuesday, October 29 - Ukulele Jam
Wednesday, October 30 - October birthdays celebrated at morning prayer; Choir practice
Thursday, October 31 - Confessions; Halloween story with Father Tim; Trunk-or-Treat