Dear Parents,
Can you believe our school year is one-sixth of the way over? We will be planning for Christmas Break before we know it!
The first six weeks of school have gone by quickly, and we have done lots of things at our little school. We've gone to Mass several times, and learned about the parts of the Mass with Mr. Burnham. We've prayed decades of the Rosary at morning prayer where we also celebrated August birthdays. (September birthdays will be celebrated this Wednesday.) We've had our first family lunch and school pictures. We have a beautiful vegetable garden planted by the 4th grade, and new flower beds by our Preschool/PreK portable building. Our after-school activities have begun, which are International Appreciation Club, Ukulele Jam, and Choir. We have had STAR testing and field trips and guest classroom presentations and wonderful lessons taught by our teachers...and those are just the things I can remember! Thank you for sharing your child with us.
As a Catholic school, we believe that each one of us is "wondrously made." C.S. Lewis said, "Next to the Blessed Sacrament, your neighbor is the holiest object presented to your senses." We are called to believe this about others and to see God in everyone we encounter, but we are also called to believe this about ourselves. I see God in others, especially in our children, but some days it is sure hard to see it in myself because I don't feel worthy of His tremendous blessing. I am so grateful to be at a place that believes this and teaches it. Thank you for trusting Sacred Heart Catholic School with your child.
Did you see our Yearbook from last school year? They were sent home on Friday, and they are awesome! If you were not able to purchase one online, we have a few at the school you can purchase for $20.00 each.
September Birthdays
We will celebrate September birthdays
THIS Wednesday, September 25, during morning prayer in the gym. I apologize for giving you the wrong date.
Uniform Closet
We have one million uniforms in our uniform closet. We are moving the uniforms to a smaller closet to make room for our Robotics class, so please come get anything you want. Some of the items still have tags on them! Going forward, we will keep a much smaller number of items in the uniform closet and will donate the rest. It is such a shame for all those clothes to just sit in a room when other children could be wearing them.
Fall Fest
Mrs. Carla has tickets to the fall fest for sale in her office. The Fall Fest is a wonderful event for our families. The cost for the event is $20 for adults, and $5 for children six and older. Children five and under are free. We will have food and games for everyone, a corn hole tournament for $50 per team, and a canvas painting class for $10 per person. This event was so much fun last year and will be even better this year.
Fall Fest Raffle
Thank you for continuing to sell our
raffle tickets, which are $25.00 each. The first-place prize is a camper, which is parked inside the fence by the playground. It is so cool and sleeps five! It has a refrigerator, microwave, television, and even a fireplace. The camper is valued at $16,000. Second place is a go-cart valued at $3000; and third place is camping chairs and a cooler that are valued at $1200.00. The drawing will be held at our Fabulous Fall Fest, which is Sunday, October 6 at Wines of the San Juan.
Progress Reports
Progress Reports will be sent home
this Wednesday, September 25.
October First Friday Lunch
Our 6th grade will be hosting our next First Friday Lunch on Friday, October 4. We will be celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month.
Individual Picture Retakes
Absolute Imaging will be here on Friday, October 4 for picture retakes. Any student who was absent can have their picture taken that day. Also, if you do not like your child's picture that was taken on the 13th, your child can have his or her picture taken again at that time.
Blessing of the Lower Flower Gardens
Father Tim will bless all our flower gardens in the back of the main building on Thursday, October 10 at 10:00 AM. Each flower bed was sponsored by a family in honor or memory of someone, and each bed will have a plaque with that information. Families who sponsored a flower bed are encouraged to be here for the blessing; everyone else is welcome, too.
Quarter 1
Quarter 1 ends on Friday, October 11. Report Cards will be sent home on Wednesday, October 16.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parent/Teacher Conferences are the week of October 7 through 10. There is no school on Friday, October 11 and...
Monday, October 14 - Columbus Day
...there is no school on Monday, October 14.
Let's eat Pizza!
Dr. Grandjean has secured another opportunity for us to raise money for our school by simply eating out, and this time it is at Pizza Hut on 20th Street. On Friday, October 11, which is a school holiday, during their regular business hours of 11 AM to 10 PM, Pizza Hut will donate 20% of the sales generated. We will send home the information sheet with our Fundraiser Ticket. For our school to get 20% of your purchase, you can bring a printed copy of the ticket, show the ticket on your phone, or mention the fundraiser when calling. So far, we have received $204 from Fuddruckers and $225 from Cold Stone. Thank you for supporting our school at these businesses. Both places have commented on how wonderful our families are.
Our school's walk-a-thon is scheduled for Thursday, October 24. This year the walk-a-thon will be at Piedra Vista High School. The only way it is possible to have the Walk-a-thon at PV is if we have parents to help drive our students. Teachers will be asking for drivers and chaperones soon.
Holiday Farms Field Trip
Students in grades Preschool through 5th will be going to Holiday Farms on Friday, October 25. The only way it is possible to have this field trip to the Holiday Farms pumpkin patch is if we have parents to help drive our students. Teachers will be asking for drivers and chaperones soon.
Drivers and Chaperones
Remember, to chaperone students on field trips, you must be current on your VIRTUS training and have a clear background check. To drive students, you must also have a signed Driver Statement on file in the office, along with current insurance information. Keep in mind that we must follow New Mexico law which requires all children up to their 7th birthday, and all children less than 60 pounds, to ride in a car seat or booster seat. If you are not able to drive your child on the field trip, please provide a seat for your child if he or she has not had their 7th birthday or weighs less than 60 pounds.
Conferences with Teachers
As mentioned previously, we will have parent/teacher conferences during the week of October 7 through 10. If you need to meet with your child's teacher before then or at any other time, you are always welcome. I ask that you schedule that time with your teacher during his or her planning time so that you can have an uninterrupted conversation. Mrs. Carla and I can also help set up the conference for you as well.
As always, you are most welcome at our school any time, especially for morning prayer and Mass, or to eat lunch with your kiddo. I hope each one of you has a wonderful week.
❤️, Kelly
Monday, September 23 - IA Club
Tuesday, September 24 - Ukulele Jam
Wednesday, September 25 – September birthdays; Progress Reports; Choir practice
Friday, September 27 - 3rd grade to SJC School of Energy; 4th and 5th grades field trip to Farmington Museum;
Farmington Hot Air Balloon Rally begins
Monday, September 30 - IA Club
Tuesday, October 1 - Ukulele Jam
Wednesday, October 2 - Choir practice
Friday, October 4 - Picture Retakes; Family lunch hosted by 6th grade
Monday, October 7 - IA Club; Parent/Teacher conferences begin
Tuesday, October 8 - Ukulele Jam
Wednesday, October 9 - Choir practice
Thursday, October 10 - Blessing of the lower flower gardens at 10:00 AM
Friday, October 11 - No school; Fundraiser at Pizza Hut on 20th Street
Monday, October 14 - Columbus Day - no school
Tuesday, October 15 - Ukulele Jam
Wednesday, October 16 - Report Cards; Choir
Thursday, October 17 -
Friday, October 18 -
Monday, October 21 - IA Club
Tuesday, October 22 - Ukulele Jam
Wednesday, October 23 - Choir practice
Thursday, October 24 - Walk-a-thon at PV
Friday, October 25 - Field trip to Holiday Farms for Preschool through 5th grade
Monday, October 28 - IA Club
Tuesday, October 29 - Ukulele Jam
Wednesday, October 30 - October birthdays celebrated at morning prayer; Choir practice
Thursday, October 31 - Confessions; Halloween story with Father Tim; Trunk-or-Treat