Dear Parents,
Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, which is celebrated around the United States in recognition of the man who led a nonviolent movement in the mid 1900s for legal equality for African Americans in the United States.
From Vatican News:
The Day, commemorating Rev. King’s birthday on January 15, 1929, is celebrated annually nationwide on the third Monday of January as a reminder of the constant fight for social and racial justice in the US and around the world.In a statement released for the holiday, the President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio of the Archdiocese of the Military Services, urged people to heed Rev. King’s call to action against all forms of discrimination based on racial, ethnic, or religious grounds.
“As Rev. King taught us, we must confront the evils of racism and prejudice with the love of Christ,” said the statement, recalling that “Rev. King used the Word of God to effect change of hearts and minds.”
Several of our teachers had lessons and activities to help their students know more about Rev. King and his impact on our world today. Thank you for trusting SHCS with your children, who are each one loved for who they are. We are not perfect and sometimes kids will say hurtful things, but I sincerely hope that your student feels loved and is happy at our school.
Speaking of happy, I wanted to take a moment to tell you about lunch last Thursday. As you know, that was the day it started snowing about one hour too late for FMS to call for a snow day. On days when it is too cold or wet to go outside, the teachers show a video or part of a movie. Last Thursday they changed it up and played interactive music videos that encourage our students to dance. During second lunch with the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th graders, the first lunch students with Pre-School, Pre-K, and 1st graders were dancing and having the best time; the 2nd through 4th graders could not eat lunch without dancing at their tables, too. During third lunch with 5th through 8th graders, the 2nd though 4th graders were dancing and having so much fun, the big kids couldn't stay at their tables to eat but instead joined in the dancing. I looked over at one time and the students and teachers had formed a train and were dancing around half of the gym. There was not one face in the entire gym that wasn't smiling. If FMS had called for a snow day, we would have missed all this happiness. As I stood there watching, all I could do was thank God for this wonderful, happy school with teachers who truly love being with our students, and to thank Him even more for letting me be a part of it. Thank you for blessing us with your children.
January 17 All School Meeting
Please join me at 6:00 PM on Wednesday, January 17 in the Family Center for a meeting to discuss next year's tuition, our registration fee, school supplies, and bell schedule. It is getting time to start thinking about next year and I know you need information to make plans for your children. We will also talk about fundraising. If possible, will you please have at least one parent from each family at the meeting?
8th Grade Pizza Sale
The 8th graders will sell pizza one time this month, on Monday, January 22.
Catholic Schools Week
Catholic Schools Week begins with masses on Saturday, January 27. You should have received a packet with the schedule and some activities for your child to complete at home. Will you please return the completed home activities by Friday, January 19?
I hope you have a wonderful week.
Semester 2 - Week 3 January 15 - 19
Monday, January 15 - MLK Holiday - no school
Tuesday, January 16 - Ukulele Club
Wednesday, January 17 - All school meeting at 6:00 PM in the Family Center
Thursday, January 18 - Spirit Day
Semester 2 - Week 4 January 22 - 26
Monday, January 22 - AI Club
Tuesday, January 23 - Ukulele Club
Wednesday, January 24 - Progress Reports
Thursday, January 25 - Spirit Day
Semester 2 - Week 5 January 29 - February 2
Catholic Schools Week
Saturday, Sunday, January 27 and 28 - Students wear their Mass uniform to mass; Open house after masses
Monday, January 29 - Penny Wars begin; Students wear crazy socks and hair; coffee and donuts for staff; AI Club
Tuesday, January 30 - Students wear PJs; special treat for students; Ukulele Club
Wednesday, January 31 - Students dress like what they want to be when they grow up.
Thursday, February 1 - Spirit Day; Confessions; Students dress like a teacher; Pop Drinks and lunch for staff
Friday, February 2 - Students wear red, white, and blue; Lunch with guests hosted by 3rd grade; SHCS Video; early release at 1:00 PM
Semester 2 - Week 6 February 5 - 9
Monday, February 5 - AI Club
Tuesday, February 6 - Ukulele Club
Wednesday, February 7 - February birthdays
Thursday, February 8 - Spirit Day
Semester 2 - Week 7 February 12 - 16
Monday, February 12 - AI Club
Tuesday, February 13 - Ukulele Club
Wednesday, February 14 - Ash Wednesday Mass; Valentine's Day; Friday schedule
Thursday, February 15 - Spirit Day
Friday, February 16 - Wednesday schedule
Semester 2 - Week 8 February 19 - 23
Monday, February 19 - Presidents Day - no school
Tuesday, February 20 - Ukulele Club
Thursday, February 21 - Spirit Day