Dear Parents,
At SHCS, our philosophy is "through a rigorous and comprehensive academic program infused with Gospel values, Sacred Heart Catholic School students are able to experience opportunities for worship, service, moral formation, and mastery of academic content." Through morning prayer and weekly mass, along with the examples set by our teachers and staff, students worship and learn how to live their Catholic faith. I met with each of our teachers this week to find out how they are providing support for each of their students so they can be successful in class and master our curriculum. Through our Works of Mercy family club, students are provided an opportunity to help people in our community and provide a service to the needy. Thank you for trusting us with your student.
Veterans Day Lunch
We had 54 guests signed in for lunch on Friday to recognize our veterans. Thanks to everyone who was able to attend. It was great to see our gym filled with our students and families. It was so much fun I think we should do it again! If you were not able to make it to the lunch on Friday, you will have two more opportunities this month.
Thanksgiving Lunch
Everyone is invited to lunch on Thursday, November 6 to celebrate Thanksgiving. Hot lunch is turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, a dinner roll, and a mini pumpkin pie. Please let Carla or me know by 3:00 on Monday if you would like a hot lunch. The cost for guests is $5.00 per person.
Native American Heritage Recognition Lunch
Everyone is invited to lunch on Wednesday, November 29 in recognition of Native American Heritage Month. Hot lunch for guests is $5.00. Posole, cornbread, vegetables, and fruit will be served. If you would like lunch, let Mrs. Carla know by Monday, November 27. We would like to have fry bread to sale that day. The fifth grade has volunteered to fry it, but they need help. Will you please let me know if you would like to help our 5th graders with a fry bread sale?
Pizza Sale
The 8th graders sold $317 worth of pizza on Monday. They will sell pizza again on Monday, November 27. Thank you for supporting them.
World Kindness Day
Our students completed an act of kindness last week and wrote what they did on a paper with the world on it. 6th Grade girls have been hanging them on one of the walls in the gym and we will talk about this on Monday during morning prayer.
Safety Enhancements
Beginning on Monday, November 13, Next Level will be here to change the locks on our front doors so that the door stays locked at all times, just like our inside front door. They will be adding key access and a camera so that Carla can see who wants to enter our building. This is the first phase of our safety enhancements. During Thanksgiving Break, all of the window air conditioners will be removed, and new glass installed. This is phase 2 of our safety enhancements. Soon, the windows in the gyms will have a reflective tint added on the outside, and a safety film added to the inside, which is phase 3. Phase 4 is a reflective film on the north classroom windows and phase 5 is a partial fence. At this time, we will not be adding a fence by the Parish Center. All these safety enhancements were recommended by our safety committee. I will let you know our new procedures ASAP.
Turkey Bowl
From Coach Katie: Our annual Turkey Bowl will be held Thursday November 16 at 1 pm. 5th - 8th graders are playing. During halftime the lower grades will perform the Turkey Tango. 4th grade will be cheering during the game. Popcorn and water will be provided. 8th grade will be selling pickles, chips and candy bars for $1. All parents are welcome to come to our turkey lunch that day, then sit with their children at the game.
Works of Mercy Donations
The workroom and several classrooms are filling up with donations for our Works of Mercy Club. Thank you so much to everyone who has already donated. If you have not had a chance yet, will you please bring your family's donation by Friday morning, November 17? We are hoping for 100% participation.
For this to truly be a service project for our families to complete for our Works of Mercy Family Club, we need as many people as possible to go to the various locations to deliver the items. All of our teachers and staff will be participating as well. It would be so wonderful for parents to pick up their student at 1:00 PM, then follow each other to the locations and have the students carry in the donated items. Pretty, please???
Early Release
We have early release at 1:00 PM on Friday, November 17 and Friday, December 15. We will have before school care, but will not have after-school care on those days.
Knights of Columbus Annual Turkey Shoot Bingo
Knights of Columbus invite you to their Annual Turkey Shoot Bingo. All cards are $0.10 each, 20 games to be played 19 turkeys will be given as prizes. Game 20 winner will get a complete turkey and ham dinner. Door prizes & raffles. All drinks, popcorn & pumpkin pie: $0.25.
Festival of Trees
Please make plans to attend the Festival of Trees so you can see the beautiful Mother Teresa tree that Alyssa Chavez has created, and all of the gifts donated by our staff to go along with our tree. The tree is beautiful! Our choir will be performing at Festival of Trees on Tuesday, November 28 from 5:30 to 6:15 PM. Pre-School through 1st graders will be attending the Teddy Bear Tea on Thursday, November 30. I hope someone from our school wins our tree!
November Birthdays
November birthdays will be celebrated during morning prayer on Wednesday, November 29.
November Confessions
Confessions will be on Thursday, November 30.
Choir Performance at the Convention Center
Mrs. Gapinksi will be taking our choir to the Republican Women Luncheon on Thursday, December 8 to perform Christmas songs. They will leave around 11:45, walk to the convention center, and will return around 12:45.
Save the Date - Christmas Story with Santa
We will be having a Christmas party with Santa on Friday, December 8 at 6:00 PM in the Family Center. This party is for all families and SHCS staff. More information soon!
Remember, you are always welcome to join us for morning prayer at 7:55 AM.
❤️, Kelly
Week 14; November 13 - 17
Thanksgiving Break - November 20 - 24
Week 15; November 27 - December 1
Week 16; December 4 - 8
Week 17; December 11 - 15
Christmas Break - December 18 - Monday, January 1