Dear Parents,
This week is the last week before Spring Break and the first full week of March. It is also the third week of Lent, which means we are almost halfway to Easter, which makes it a good time to assess our progress to our Lenten goals. I found a great article on written by Bishop Ricken called "Journey to the Foot of the Cross." Bishop Ricken reminds us that the 40 days of Lent are a good time to work on personal discipline, and that Lent also reminds us of our weaknesses. I have messed up so many times since Ash Wednesday on my personal goals for Lent! A sweet girl brought me an oatmeal cream cake on the second day of Lent, and I had half of it in my mouth when I remembered I gave up eating sweets between meals, so I had to start over on day 2 (after I finished eating the whole thing of course; no need to waste it.) Bishop Ricken also reminds us to be patient with ourselves and that "God is calling us to be patient and to see us how He does, with unconditional love." What a blessing God's unconditional love is! There is so much love in our little school. Every day I get to be here I feel it from our staff and teachers to our students, and reciprocated from our students to our teachers and staff. Thank you for trusting SHCS with your children. They are truly another of God's blessings.
Mission with Ryan Tremblay
We had 44 students in grades 3 through 8 participate in the music workshop with Ryan Tremblay on Tuesday morning, and the entire school came to listen to him talk and our students sing at 10:00 AM. Oh, my goodness, hearing their voices sing together gave me chills and tears because it was so beautiful. I think our students will remember that experience for a long time. When Ryan came to our school on Monday, he was greeted by our wonderful 5th grade class who took him on a tour where he got to see our teachers and students in their classrooms. He also visited all of our lunches on Monday where he sang with the students in our middle lunch, then he sang while the ukulele students played on Tuesday. When he left on Wednesday, he sent me a video message; I wanted to share the kind words he had about our school.
Thank you for the amazing experience of visiting Sacred Heart Catholic School. I could feel the culture of the school that is alive, well, and vibrant. The work the school does is so important. Students can have all of the answers in the world, but if they don't have the answers that are rooted in faith and know that Jesus loves them, it's really hard to use their talents and gifts. Keep doing what all of you are doing and I hope to come back again.
Leap Day Celebration
Sincere thanks to Ms. Jackson and her super second grade class for hosting our Leap Day celebration on Thursday. The students did a great job of helping set up, providing decorations, welcoming everyone, entertaining us with the funny jokes, leading prayer, and cleaning up between lunches. Thanks, also, to Mrs. Atencio for helping with decorations and for Ms. Elmer's 4th graders for singing. We will leave all the frogs out for a little while because they really make our school feel like spring!
Field Trip to PVHS
On Friday, students in grades 1 through 5, along with approximately 20 parents, attended the PVHS Theater Department's production of Finding Nemo, Jr. Our students took up the last three rows of the theater and let me tell you how proud I was of how our students behaved. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to work with your wonderful children.
STAR Testing
Thanks to Mrs. S for organizing our STAR testing. Makeups are this week. I have heard about lots of growth that our students showed on testing, which is not surprising knowing how hard they and their teachers have worked this year.
We need a trophy case!
We already have two trophies and a medal on display in the foyer of our school that were won by our Robotics team. We have a new trophy to add! On Saturday, Rosa Schwenk represented SHCS at the 2024 San Juan New Mexico Regional Science and Engineering Fair. Rosa qualified to participate in the New Mexico State Science Fair in April. Other awards she earned are:
Wow! From Rosa about her project:
My project was
How Does Distraction Affect Driving? I wanted to pick a subject that would impact people, so I did a lot of researching and praying to decide. I had the participants go through different distraction scenarios to get the data.
Congratulations, Rosa! Our school is so proud of you.
Grade Reports and Conferences
Quarter 3 ends this week, and Report Cards will be distributed after Spring Break on Wednesday, March 20. Parent/teacher conferences are this week and vary by teacher. Your student's teacher will contact you with conference information. The middle school will hold their conferences in the Family Center after school on Tuesday. Because Mrs Idzerda will be in conferences for middle school math, we will not have ukulele practice this Tuesday.
March Birthdays
March birthdays will be celebrated at morning prayer on Tuesday, March 5.
Mass on Wednesday, March 6
Since we cannot attend mass on Friday, March 8 because we do not have school, we will attend mass on Wednesday, March 6, with the 3rd grade choir providing music. We will follow our regular Wednesday schedule, with the exception of going to mass with Father Jeff at 8:15 AM.
Students do NOT have to wear their mass uniform but can wear their regular uniform instead.
The middle school will be going on a field trip in Durango all day Wednesday.
March Confessions
March confessions will be heard on Thursday, March 7. 2nd grade will get to participate this time!
Dream Vacation Raffle Drawing
Thank you for selling your family's raffle tickets and for turning in the ticket stubs and money to Mrs. Carla. If you have not already done so, will you please bring the ticket stubs and money on Monday, March 4? We will have the drawing for our Dream Vacation raffle on Friday, March 8 at 4:00 PM at the school. The drawing will be live on Facebook.
Night to Remember
We had a good turnout last Wednesday for our Night to Remember committee meeting. This is our biggest fundraiser of the year, and we need all of our families involved to make it a success as it has been in the past. If you or someone you know has a product or service they would like to donate, will you please let me know? Thank you for supporting this amazing event that not only raises a significant amount of money for our school, but also showcases our wonderful school to the community.
8th Grade Pizza Sale
On the Monday after Spring Break, the 8th graders will sell pizza. More information to follow.
Wednesday, March 27
To celebrate Easter and the end of Lent, we will attend mass on Wednesday, March 27, with music performed once again by our 3rd grade choir. We are still working on the schedule, but it will be very altered. We will have lunch with guests hosted by 1st grade. Farmington Schools changed our menu so that we can have a nice Easter meal that day. We will have baked ham, macaroni and cheese, garden salad, a dinner roll, and fruit. The cost is $5.00 a person which includes a drink. Please reserve your meal by 3:30 PM on Monday, March 25. After lunch, we will have our egg drop.
Students can wear their regular Wednesday uniform.
We would love for you to join us for morning prayer and mass each week. Mr. Burnham has something special planned for morning prayer this week on Tuesday and Thursday as we prepare for Easter. Come see!
I hope you have a great week.
❤️, Kelly
Semester 2 - Week 10 March 4 - 8
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Monday, March 4 - AI Club
Tuesday, March 5 - March birthdays; Middle School parent/teacher conferences; No ukulele practice
Wednesday, March 6 - Mass; middle school ice skating trip to Durango; Choir practice
Thursday, March 7 - Spirit Day; Confessions; no Spanish calsses; end of Quarter 3 grading period
Friday, March 8 -
No school
- Raffle drawing LIVE on facebook at 4:00 PM
March 11 - 15 - Spring Break
Semester 2 - Week 11 March 18 - 22
Monday, March 18 - 8th Grade pizza sale; AI Club
Tuesday, March 19 - Dental hygiene presentations for K and 1st; Ukulele Club
Wednesday, March 20 - Quarter 3 Report Cards; Choir practice
Thursday, March 21 - Spirit Day
Friday, March 22
Semester 2 - Week 12 March 25 - 30
Monday, March 25 - AI Club
Tuesday, March26 - Ukulele Club
Wednesday, March 27 - Mass; Easter celebration with lunch guests, hosted by 1st grade; Egg Drop!
Thursday, March 28 - Holy Thursday / Easter Break—No School
Friday, March 29 -
Good Friday / Easter Break—No School
Semester 2 - Week 13 April 1 - 5
Monday, April 1 -
Easter Monday / Easter Break—No School
Tuesday, April 2 - Ukulele Club
Wednesday, April 3 - April birthdays at morning prayer; choir practice
Thursday, April 4 - Spirit Day; Confessions
Friday, April 5 -
Semester 2 - Week 14 April 8 - 12
ARK Testing
Monday, April 8 -
IA Club
Tuesday, April 9 - Ukulele Club
Wednesday, April 10 - Choir practice
Thursday, April 11 - Spirit Day
Friday, April 12 -