Dear Parents,
We had another great week at Sacred Heart Catholic School. We celebrated Father Tim's birthday on Tuesday, and the rest of our April birthdays at morning prayer on Wednesday, then our students went to confession on Thursday. On Friday, a beautiful piece of artwork titled The Garden of Sacred Heart, made by Mrs. Isbell and the students in PreSchool, Pre-K, first and second grades, was displayed at Artifacts for the downtown art walk. Thank you for allowing your student to attend our wonderful school.
From Father Tim:
I want to thank the children and their parents, along with the staff and teachers at Sacred Heart Catholic School, for the wonderful birthday, greetings, and very generous gifts. I was overwhelmed and deeply touched by your kindness to me, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Father Tim Farrell
ARK Testing
Our school will participate in ARK testing this week. ARK stands for Assessment of Religious Knowledge and keeps track of our religious knowledge and growth. Students will test during their computer time with Mrs. Schwenk, and teachers and staff will test on their own. ARK testing measures what we know about our Catholic faith so that we can make sure our students are learning all they need to know to grow to be good Catholic Christians.
From "The eclipse on Monday, April 8, 2024, will be a total solar eclipse. It will be the last total solar eclipse visible from the contiguous United States until 2044." We have glasses for everyone that were purchased by the IA Club, and the 6th graders will be making eclipse floats with Mrs. S. Each teacher will decide what is best for their class in regard to watching the eclipse. If for any reason your student should not attend school on Monday, the absence will be excused. Students who come to school but should not be outside during the eclipse can come to the office. We are very respectful of each student's circumstances and will accommodate however we need to on Monday.
Altar Server Training
All those who will make their First Holy Communion and Confirmation on April 27 and any other young people who wish to train as servers in 3rd Grade and above should come to the training on Tuesday and Wednesday,
April 9 and 10, in the Church at 4 p.m. each day. Those training to be altar servers need to be there each afternoon for about one hour. A parent should accompany their child or children to let us know what Mass or Masses they wish to serve.
Progress Reports
The first three weeks of Quarter 4 ended Friday, April 5. Progress Reports will be sent home on Wednesday, April 10.
Walk and Roll on Wednesday, April 17
On Wednesday, April 17 we will have an opportunity for students to ride their bikes, ride a scooter, roller skate (anything that rolls), or walk to school. Parents will park in the Family Center parking lot, then walk, or ride with their students down and back up Allen Avenue. Parents are invited to have breakfast with their student in the gym (Pastries with Parents) and stay for morning prayer and a student concert under the direction of Ms Gapinski. Students should wear their regular Wednesday uniform.
If you are planning to join us for breakfast, will you please let Mrs. Carla know by this Friday, April 12? We are ordering from FMS, and they need to know how many adult meals to send. We will have scones, cinnamon rolls, muffins, and fresh fruit cup.
Works of Mercy Workday
You might have noticed some work that Delbert has been doing to get ready for our school's Works of Mercy workday on Saturday, April 20. Father Tim has purchased the materials we need to add irrigation to our garden area, and all flower beds; we hope to have plenty of people that day to install everything. We are adding rose gardens to the front of the school to make our beautiful school even more beautiful. If you are able, please join us. We will have donuts for breakfast and hot dogs for lunch. Mrs. Carla has a link to sign up in Gradelink. We will start the day at 9:00 AM in the gym. We have decided to just have one workday on Saturday. We will not work on Sunday, April 21, as originally planned.
Night to Remember
Night to Remember is our biggest fundraiser and a way our school is showcased to the Farmington community. We have many of our teachers and their guests planning to attend, and Mrs. Carla said we have more parents also planning to attend this year; thank you so much for this! Last year's event paved the way for this year's event to be even more spectacular! There will a few new additions to the event this year, and the most exciting one is the projects created by our classes and included in our Silent Auction. We have a special section reserved to display what our classes are making and I know you will love this new addition to our event.
Thank you for selling your raffle/dinner ticket and returning the two stubs, along with your money, to the office.
If you did not turn in your ticket and money on Friday, will you please do so on Monday?
Book Fair
Mrs. S and our school will be hosting a Scholastic Book Fair during the week of April 15 to 19. Students can purchase from the book fair during library time, at lunch, and after school until 3:30.
Save the Date for our first Poetry Reading Evening!
Our students in grades 5 through 8 will be performing poems they have memorized on Friday, April 19 in the evening. We are still working out the details and will share them soon!
Last 8th Grade Pizza Sale
Our 8th graders will be selling pizza one more time at lunch on Monday, April 22. Laverne at Little Caesars did exactly as she said she would and had the pizzas ready for us last time. However, we have used all of the free pizza cards that were donated to the school, so we will be comparing prices at other restaurants to find the best deal so the 8th graders can make money for their Legacy project. No matter where we purchase the pizzas from, we will have to pay so the cost will be higher this time. I will let you know how much each slice costs next week.
Saints Bingo
Mrs. S will be organizing Saints Bingo during the week of April 22 to 26.
Confirmation and First Communion
We will have several SHCS students making their First Communion and Confirmation this year. Confirmation and First Communion practice is at 6:30 PM on Wednesday, April 24 in the church, and Confirmation/First Communion are at the 4:30 PM Mass on Saturday, April 27. Our SHCS choir will be performing at this Mass.
May Birthdays
May birthdays will be celebrated on Wednesday, May 1.
May Confessions
Our last confession for the year will be Thursday, May 2.
May Crowning
May Crowning will be at the 8:15 AM Mass on Friday, May 3.
Teacher Appreciation Week
Teacher Appreciation Week is May 6 - 10. Will you please let me know if there is something you would like to do for the teachers? We would like to plan something for them each day. Thank you to the Garcias for providing lunch from Si Senor on Taco Tuesday, May 7 and to Mrs. McManus for having a soda bar for the teachers on Thursday.
Field Day
Field Day is Thursday, May 9. FMS will be here grilling hamburgers for lunch.
Picnic Friday
FMS will provide sack lunches on Friday, May 10 for class picnics. We are looking for parents for each class to take the students on the picnic so the teachers can have lunch together.
Will you please let Mrs. Carla or me know if you are able to be here from 10:50 to 12:10 to take your student's class to their picnic lunch?
No After-School Care on Friday, May 10
Mrs. Rita will not be at school on the afternoon of Friday, May 10, so we will not have after-school care. She will be here in the morning for before-school care.
Summer Birthdays
Summer birthdays will be celebrated at morning prayer on Wednesday, May 15.
End-of-Year Lunch
Our end-of-year lunch with families will be Thursday, May 16. This lunch will be hosted by our students in Preschool, PreK, and Kindergarten.
8th Grade Graduation
8th grade graduation is Friday, May 17.
Last Day of School
Our last day of school is Thursday, May 23. We will go to Mass, then students will be dismissed at 9:30 AM. Students can wear their Spirit Wear.
Enrollment for 2024-2025
We now have four classes that are closed for next year: Kindergarten, 1st grade, 3rd grade, and 6th. Our enrollment for this year is 121 students, and we already have 125 students for next year! Thank you for trusting SHCS with your children.
I hope you have a great week.
❤️, Kelly
Semester 2 - Week 14 April 8 - 12
ARK Testing
Monday, April 8- Eclipse; IA Club
Tuesday, April 9 - Ukulele practice; Altar Server Training at 4:00 PM in the church
Wednesday, April 10 – Progress Reports; No Choir practice; Altar Server Training at 4:00 PM in the church
Thursday, April 11 - Spirit Day
Friday, April 12 -
Semester 2 - Week 15 April 15 - 19
Book Fair
Monday, April 15 - IA Club
Tuesday, April 16 - Ukulele practice
Wednesday, April 17 – Walk and Roll to School; Choir practice
Thursday, April 18 - Spirit Day
Friday, April 19 – Poetry Readings
Saturday, April 20 - Works of Mercy School-wide Project
Sunday, April 21 - Works of Mercy School-wide Project
Semester 2 - Week 16 April 22 - 26
Saints Bingo
Monday, April 22 - Earth Day;8th Grade pizza sale; IA Club
Tuesday, April 23 - Ukulele practice
Wednesday, April 24 – Administrative Professionals Day - AKA Mrs. Carla Day; Choir practice; Confirmation/First Communion practice at 6:30 PM in the Church
Thursday, April 25 - Spirit Day
Friday, April 26 -
Saturday, April 27 - Confirmation/First Communion at 4:30 PM in the Church; Choir will perform
Semester 2 - Week 17 April 29 - May 3
Monday, April 29 - IA Club
Tuesday, April 30 - Ukulele practice
Wednesday, May 1 – May birthdays at Morning Prayer; Progress Reports; Choir practice
Thursday, May 2 - Spirit Day; Confessions
Friday, May 3 - May Crowning at 8:15 AM Mass
Saturday, May 4 - Night to Remember
Semester 2 - Week 18 May 6 - May 10
Teacher Appreciation Week
Monday, May 6 - Coffee and donuts for teachers and staff; IA Club
Tuesday, May 7 - Lunch for the teachers from Si Senor; Ukulele practice
Wednesday, May 8 – Smoothies from Smoothie King for teachers and staff; Choir practice
Thursday, May 9 - Spirit Day; Field Day; Soda Station for teachers and staff by Mrs. McManus
Friday, May 10 - Lunch for teachers and staff; Class picnics with parents
Saturday, May 11 - SHCS Choir at 4:30 PM Mass
Semester 2 - Week 19 May 13 - May 17
Monday, May 13 - IA Club
Tuesday, May 14 - Ukulele practice
Wednesday, May 15 – Summer birthdays recognized at morning prayer; Choir practice
Thursday, May 16 - Spirit Day; End-of-Year lunch with families hosted by Preschool, PreK, and Kindergarten
Friday, May 17 - 8th Grade Graduation
Semester 2 - Week 20 May 20 - May 23
Monday, May 20 - IA Club
Tuesday, May 21 - Ukulele practice
Wednesday, May 22 – Choir practice
Thursday, May 23 - Spirit Day; Last day of school - Mass at 8:15 AM and dismissal at 9:30 AM; Report Cards