Dear Parents,
Our students seemed to really enjoy getting to witness the eclipse last Monday. We had 2nd grade news reporters and teachers with Oreo cookies detailing the moon's path across the sun. The glasses and eclipse shakes were provided by Mrs. S and the International Appreciation Club, making this experience possible. Every student is invited back to SHCS in 2044 to witness the next solar eclipse!
Rosa Schwenk represented our school at the State Science Fair this weekend and was recognized twice for her project "How Does Distraction Affect Driving?" She received Honorable Mention in Biomedical and Behavioral Sciences, and a Special Award from the American Psychological Association and Teachers of Psychology in Secondary. Congratulations, Rosa! You did an excellent job of representing our school and we are all so proud of your accomplishment.
This is going to be a busy week! I hope you are able to join us for as many activities as possible.
Spring Book Fair Begins Monday
Our Spring Book Fair starts tomorrow, Monday, April 15, and ends Friday, April 19. Students can shop at the Book Fair during their class's scheduled library time, at lunch, and each afternoon from 3:00 - 3:30 PM.
No Ukulele Practice on Tuesday, April 16
Walk and Roll on Wednesday, April 17
On Wednesday, April 17 we will have an opportunity for students to ride their bikes, ride a scooter, roller skate (anything that rolls), or walk to school. Beginning at 7:30 AM, parents can park in the Family Center parking lot, then walk, or ride with their students down and back up Allen Avenue. Then, we will have breakfast for everyone in the gym, morning prayer and a student concert under the direction of Ms Gapinski. Will you please let Mrs. Carla know by noon on Monday, April 15 if you will be eating breakfast? FMS will provide scones, cinnamon rolls, muffins, and fruit. Students should wear their regular Wednesday uniform.
Poetry Jam on Friday, April 19
On Friday, April 19 from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM we will have our first (hopefully annual) Poetry Jam at Artifacts. Students in grades 5 through 8 will perform poems, and prizes will be awarded in the following categories:
Artifacts will have their coffee bar open to sell drinks and their delicious pastries.
The cost for admission is $2.00 per person, with a max of $10.00 per family.
An Extra Credit grade of A will be earned by each student daring to perform, and each student will be judged independently even when performing as a duet.
This should be a fun event, showcasing the talents of our students. We hope you can join us. Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Idzerda for organizing our first Poetry Jam!
Works of Mercy Workday is Saturday, April 20
You might have noticed some work that Delbert has been doing to get ready for our school's Works of Mercy workday on Saturday, April 20. Father Tim has purchased the materials we need to add irrigation to our garden area, and all flower beds; we hope to have plenty of people that day to install everything. We are adding rose gardens to the front of the school to make our beautiful school even more beautiful. If you are able, please join us. We will have donuts for breakfast and hot dogs for lunch. Mrs. Carla has a link to sign up in Gradelink.
Will you please sign up by 3:30 PM on Thursday, April 18 so we know how much food to buy?
We will start the day at 9:00 AM in the gym. We have decided to just have one workday on Saturday. We will not work on Sunday, April 21, as originally planned. Special thanks to Ashley Maxwell for starting our Works of Mercy Family Club, to Danielle Grandjean for organizing the irrigation projects, and to Nick Whirry for leading the restoration of our greenhouse.
Last 8th Grade Pizza Sale
Our 8th graders will be selling pizza one more time at lunch on Monday, April 22. Since we have used all of the free Little Caesar's pizza cards that were donated to the school, we will have to pay for the pizza this time. Sorry about that. Kylie Bailey was able to get us a good deal at Pizza Hut, but we are going to have to charge $4.00 for the first slice of pizza, with a drink and dessert. Each additional piece will be $3.00.
The 8th graders have been selling pizza all year to fund their Legacy Project, and we finally know what that will be. Our three 8th graders have earned enough money this year to purchase the rose bushes for rose gardens that we are planting at the front of the school! They will also plant a tree and other flowers that are special to them. Our rose gardens will have a plaque recognizing their generosity and thanking them for making it possible to have landscaping at the front of our school.
Saints Bingo
Mrs. S will be organizing Saints Bingo during the week of April 22 to 26.
Confirmation and First Communion
We will have several SHCS students making their First Communion and Confirmation this year. Confirmation and First Communion practice is at 6:30 PM on Wednesday, April 24 in the church, and Confirmation/First Communion are at the 4:30 PM Mass on Saturday, April 27. Our SHCS choir will be performing at this Mass.
May Birthdays
May birthdays will be celebrated on Wednesday, May 1.
May Confessions
Our last confession for the year will be Thursday, May 2.
May Crowning
May Crowning will be at the 8:15 AM Mass on Friday, May 3.
Teacher Appreciation Week
Teacher Appreciation Week is May 6 - 10.
Field Day
Field Day is Thursday, May 9. FMS will be here grilling hamburgers for lunch.
Picnic Friday
We are looking for parents for each class to take the students on the picnic so the teachers can have lunch together.
Will you please let Mrs. Carla know if you are able to be here from 10:50 to 12:10 to take your student's class to their picnic lunch? Our lunch plans could change from sack lunches to Chick-fil-A because...
Battle of the Schools - Pinon Hills Academy vs. SHCS at Chick-Fil-A
On Friday, May 10 we are battling Pinon Hills Academy in a Battle of the Schools at Chick-fil-A. The school that has receipts in their box with the higher amount of sales will win free food for their school! Is there anyone interested in helping with a strategy to beat PHA????
No After-School Care on Friday, May 10
Mrs. Rita will not be at school on the afternoon of Friday, May 10, so we will not have after-school care. She will be here in the morning for before-school care.
Summer Birthdays
Summer birthdays will be celebrated at morning prayer on Wednesday, May 15.
End-of-Year Lunch
Our end-of-year lunch with families will be Thursday, May 16. This lunch will be hosted by our students in Preschool, PreK, and Kindergarten.
8th Grade Graduation
8th grade graduation is Friday, May 17.
Last Day of School
Our last day of school is Thursday, May 23. We will go to Mass, then students will be dismissed at 9:30 AM. Students can wear their Spirit Wear.
Parents, remember, you are welcome at morning prayer Monday through Thursday at 8:00 AM in the gym, and at Mass on Friday at 8:15 AM. Thank you for trusting SHCS with your children.
❤️, Kelly
Semester 2 - Week 15 April 15 – 19
Book fair
Monday, April 15 - IA Club
Tuesday, April 16 - No Ukulele practice
Wednesday, April 17 – Walk and Roll to School; Pastries with Parents; Concert; Choir practice
Thursday, April 18 - Spirit Day
Friday, April 19 – Poetry Jam at 6:60 PM at Artifacts in Downtown Farmington
Saturday, April 20 - Works of Mercy School-wide Project
Semester 2 - Week 16 April 22 – 26
Saints Bingo
Monday, April 22 - Earth Day; 8th Grade pizza sale; IA Club
Tuesday, April 23 - Ukulele practice
Wednesday, April 24 – Administrative Professionals Day - AKA Mrs. Carla Day; Choir practice; Confirmation/First Communion practice at 6:30 PM in the Church
Thursday, April 25 - Spirit Day
Friday, April 26 -
Saturday, April 27 - Confirmation/First Communion at 4:30 PM in the Church; Choir will perform
Semester 2 - Week 17 April 29 - May 3
Monday, April 29 - IA Club
Tuesday, April 30 - Ukulele practice
Wednesday, May 1 – May birthdays at Morning Prayer; Progress Reports; Choir practice
Thursday, May 2 - Spirit Day; Confessions
Friday, May 3 - May Crowning at 8:15 AM Mass
Saturday, May 4 - Night to Remember
Semester 2 - Week 18 May 6 - May 10
Teacher Appreciation Week
Monday, May 6 - IA Club
Tuesday, May 7 - Ukulele practice
Wednesday, May 8 – Choir practice
Thursday, May 9 - Spirit Day; Field Day
Friday, May 10 -Class picnics with parents; Chick-fil-A Battle of the Schools Pinon Hills Academy vs SHCS
Saturday, May 11 - SHCS Choir at 4:30 PM Mass
Semester 2 - Week 19 May 13 - May 17
Monday, May 13 - IA Club
Tuesday, May 14 - Ukulele practice
Wednesday, May 15 – Summer birthdays recognized at morning prayer; Choir practice
Thursday, May 16 - Spirit Day; End-of-Year lunch with families hosted by Preschool, PreK, and Kindergarten
Friday, May 17 - 8th Grade Graduation
Semester 2 - Week 20 May 20 - May 23
Monday, May 20 - IA Club
Tuesday, May 21 - Ukulele practice
Wednesday, May 22 – Choir practice
Thursday, May 23 - Spirit Day; Last day of school - Mass at 8:15 AM and dismissal at 9:30 AM; Report Cards