Dear Parents,
Welcome to February! Can you believe we only have four months of school left this year? It feels like we have a lot of things left to do this year, but not much time left to do it.
At SHCS, we are blessed to have Father Tim as our pastor who is dedicated to the success of our school. Father Tim collaborates with our school administration to make sure our school is faithful to its mission and is academically excellent. He works with our Parish Council, Parish Finance Committee, and the SHCS board to make sure we make good business decisions. Father Tim's love of our school, dedication to the faith formation of our students, and leadership are greatly appreciated.
Mrs. Carla
You might have noticed that Mrs. Carla was not at school this past week, except for Friday. Last weekend she had a bicycle wreck and broke her collarbone. She will be having surgery Monday to fix her collarbone. Mrs. Carla is such a huge part of our school and takes care of everyone. The teachers have done a great job of making sure Mrs. Carla and Eric have meals. If you would like to drop off a card from your family to Mrs. Carla, I know she will appreciate your kindness and concern. We will have a box in the office to put in your card and will get them to her on Thursday.
One of the most important tasks we have left this year, other than teaching and taking care of our students, is beginning the years-long process of renewing accreditation for our school. The first step in the accreditation process is administering surveys to faculty, staff, parents, and students in grades 5 and higher. We have the results from our faculty and staff; soon Mrs. S will be administering the survey to students. Now it is your turn to let the school know how we are doing in terms of our mission, Catholic Identity, governance, leadership, and operational vitality. Will you please complete the survey for Parents and School Community?
Dream Vacation Raffle
We started our third fundraising activity for the year on Tuesday, January 30. The grand prize is a Caribbean cruise. There are also three other mini vacations for 2nd through 4th place. Tickets are $25.00 and we are asking each family to sell 12 tickets. Money is due to Mrs. Carla by Friday, March 1, and the drawing will be held on Friday, March 8. There is no school that day so we will have the drawing live on Facebook. Mrs. Carla has set up volunteer opportunities to sell tickets at all masses at Sacred Heart. If you would like to sell tickets at another parish, please let Mrs. Carla know. The family that sells the most raffle tickets will win a $100 gas card.
Night to Remember Planning Committee Meeting
From Mrs. Carla:
If anyone is interested in being on the committee, we will have our first meeting on February 7 at 6pm in the workroom. If you are interested but can’t attend the meeting, please let me (Mrs. Carla) know. This is a great way to get some volunteer hours!
February Birthdays
February birthdays will be celebrated at morning prayer on Wednesday, February 7.
First Reconciliation
First Reconciliation is Saturday, February 10 at 10:00 AM in the church. From Father Tim, "The Sacrament of Confession or Reconciliation is one of the most unique and beautiful aspects of Roman Catholicism. Jesus Christ, in his abundant love and mercy, established the Sacrament of Confession so that we, as sinners, can obtain forgiveness for our sins and reconcile with God and the Church. The sacrament "washes us clean" and renews us in Christ."
Robotics State Competition
Our first ever robotic team scored high enough to make it to the state competition this coming Saturday, February 10, in Albuquerque. The team, led by Mr. Idzerda with help from Mrs. Idzerda, consists of Blake Richardson, Lily Schwenk, Rosa Schwenk, Alan Niedhardt, Boston Mohon, Yareli Estrada, and Diego Burnham. Best of luck to them as they represent our small school at a very big competition!
Valentine’s Day Parties
Since Valentine’s Day is on Ash Wednesday this year, several teachers have suggested that we have our Valentine’s Day parties on Tuesday, February 13. I think that is a great idea. To add to the fun, we will also make that a Free Dress Day for students. They do not have to wear their uniform or spirit wear that day but can wear anything they want that is appropriate.
Knights of Columbus Events
We are invited to:
Family Valentine Bingo is Friday evening February 9 at Knights of Columbus Hall, 305 North Orchard Farmington NM. Doors open at 5 pm for
an evening of fun, food, a chance to win the grand prize, Easter Hams, a 50/50 Raffle, and Gift Cards Every Game.
Knights of Columbus Annual Fundraiser, Super Bowl LVIII, is Sunday February 11, 2024, K of C Hall, Potluck. 305 N Orchard, Farmington NM 505 325 8104, Kickoff 4:30 pm MST, Doors open at 2 pm, $5 per ticket. 50/50 raffle, grand prize-65” Vizio and much more. The Knights of Columbus are great supporters of SHCS.
Save the Date! Works of Mercy Spring Project
Our second big project for our Works of Mercy Family Club is to complete small projects around our school on the weekend of April 20 and 21. Some of the projects already requested are to fix the blinds in some of our classrooms, complete the greenhouse, install a sprinkler system for landscaping, add landscaping, clean out our storage buildings, and clean our playground equipment. Everyone is welcome. We will serve hot dogs for lunch. If you are interested in leading any of these projects, or if you know of any other projects that could benefit our school, please let me know. Our Works of Mercy Family Club is one of the ways our students, staff, and parents have opportunity to participate in service projects.
As always, please join us for morning prayer Monday through Thursday at 7:55 AM in the gym, and at mass on Friday morning at 8:15 AM. Thank you for trusting SHCS with your children.
Semester 2 - Week 6 February 5 - 9
Monday, February 5 - AI Club
Tuesday, February 6 - Ukulele Club
Wednesday, February 7 - February birthdays; choir practice
Thursday, February 8 - Spirit Day
Saturday, February 10 - First Reconciliation at 10:00 AM; Robotics State Competition in Albuquerque
Semester 2 - Week 7 February 12 - 16
Monday, February 12 - AI Club
Tuesday, February 13 - Free Dress Day; Valentine's Parties; Ukulele Club
Wednesday, February 14 - Ash Wednesday Mass; Valentine's Day; Friday schedule; Progress reports
Thursday, February 15 - Spirit Day
Friday, February 16 - Wednesday schedule
Semester 2 - Week 8 February 19 - 23
Monday, February 19 - Presidents Day - no school
Tuesday, February 20 - Ukulele Club
Thursday, February 21 - Spirit Day
Sunday, February 25 - Mission at Sacred Heart Catholic Church with Ryan Trimblay
Semester 2 - Week 9 February 26 - March 1
Monday, February 26 - AI Club; 7:00 PM Mission at Sacred Heart Catholic Church with Ryan Trimblay
Tuesday, February 27 - 8:15 AM - 11:00 AM in the church - Music Workshop with Ryan Trimblay for grades 3 - 8; Ukulele Club
Wednesday, February 28 - Choir practice
Thursday, February 29 - Spirit Day
Friday, March 1 - Raffle ticket money due
Semester 2 - Week 10 March 4 - 8
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Monday, March 4 - AI Club
Tuesday, March 5 - 8:15 AM - 11:00 AM in the church - Music Workshop with Ryan Trimblay for grades 3 - 8; Ukulele Club
Wednesday, March 6 - Choir practice
Thursday, March 7 - Spirit Day; end of Quarter 3
Friday, March 8 -
No school
- Raffle drawing
March 11 - 15 - Spring Break