Dear Parents and Guardians,
Thank you for trusting Sacred Heart Catholic School with the education of your student. After being in school for four weeks, your student should now be familiar with the daily routines and procedures, and have a plan for completing homework. Our teachers are working hard to provide meaningful instruction in a loving and supportive environment. It is truly a joy to see what is going on in the classrooms.
This week I had to opportunity to look over the curriculum standards published by the diocese of Gallup. From the introduction to the Religious Education Standards,
"Evangelization, Religious Education and Faith Formation are the preeminent reasons the Catholic Schools of the Diocese of Gallup exist. Religious Education and Faith formation are the primary focus of the K-8 curriculum. Not only are the teachings of the Catholic Faith set forth in a comprehensive set of curriculum standards of their own, they are also woven throughout the curriculum standards of all other academic disciplines." Your student is being taught the core academics, as well as the other courses that make up a comprehensive school curriculum, with the important teachings of our Catholic faith reinforced in many of the lessons. One of the main goals of a Catholic school is to help students know God, and I see God through your children and our staff every day. What a blessing that is!
Grandparents Day
Grandparents Day at SHCS was great! We had more than 60 grandparents come eat lunch, and we had several who came to mass. It was hard to tell in some cases who was more excited, the grandparent or the grandchild! There was so much love in the room that I thought my heart might explode. We did have a few students whose grandparents were not able to be here but guess what, the grandparents who were there welcomed them as if they were their own. Thank you for inviting your child's grandparents to our school.
Popcorn Sales
Order forms and money from our popcorn sale are due tomorrow, Monday, September 11. Thank you for your efforts in making this a successful fundraiser.
STAR Testing
Our students are required by the diocese to take the STAR test four times a year. The first testing window is this week. Students in Pre-School, Pre-Kindergarten, and Kindergarten will take the Early Literacy exam. Students in 1st through 8th grades will take the STAR Math and Reading exams. Mrs. Bonita Schwenk does a great job coordinating this testing. Testing takes place in the computer lab during their class's scheduled lab time. The test is 100% online. Thank you for encouraging your student do do his or her best.
Fall Fest
Our next fundraiser is our Fall Fest on Sunday, October 1, at The Wines of the San Juan. Tickets are on sale in our office. We accept cash, a check made out to SHCS, and, if you come in the office, we can process your credit card. We only have a total of 250 tickets for children and adults, so get your tickets soon! Ms. Carla has been working hard to organize this fundraiser, and will have a planning meeting this Wednesday at 6:00 PM at the school. Everyone is welcome to attend to plan the activities. Thank you for supporting this fundraiser.
Picture Day
Picture day is this Friday, September 15 after mass in the gym. Information and the Class Group Order form will be sent home Monday. As in the past, you will be able to order your student's pictures online, but the class picture has to be paid for on Friday. Thank you for having your student all dressed up in his or her mass uniform for Picture Day.
Field Trips
Our teachers have started planning field trips and will be providing that information to you soon. Please remember, to be a chaperone on a field trip and to drive students, you have to be cleared to be a volunteer. That includes completing the VIRTUS training and passing a background check through the diocese. We have sent off forms for background checks for almost 50 volunteers, and have not received results yet. Since it seems to take at least three weeks for the diocese to process the background checks, if you plan to chaperone or drive students on field trips, will you please complete the required paperwork and training ASAP? Parent volunteers are the only way our students can go on field trips, so we need you! Reply to this email if you plan to chaperone field trips with your student, and we will get you the required paperwork. Thank you for making it possible for our classes to go on field trips.
Activities for September 11 - 15
Looking Ahead
Looking Farther Ahead
This is a busy little school! Thank you for making everything we do possible. As always, if there is ever anything I can do to help, please let me know.
With many thanks,