Dear Parents,
Can you believe this is the last week of Quarter 1? I cannot believe how fast one-fourth of the year has gone, and Quarter 2 will probably go by ever faster. Reading this long email will feel like forever, so enjoy time not passing quite so quickly while you do so. At least I put headings on most of the paragraphs so you can choose which ones you want to read. :)
At SHCS we believe that academic excellence is the shared responsibility of the parish, the administration, faculty, family, student, and community. We are so grateful for the support Father Tim provides our school, not only spiritually but in how he is available for anything we need; the dedication of Mrs. Carla in making sure our office and school run smoothly; the commitment and love our faculty have in making sure all of our students' needs are met; how our families never hesitate to offer their help in every situation, not only financially but with their time and efforts; how our students work hard in their classes, learning their faith and how to love one another; and how our community always provides for us when asked. Sacred Heart Catholic School is a wonderful place to be and I am grateful for every minute I have been here. Thank you for trusting us with your student.
Good-bye, Mrs. Donald
On Thursday, we said good-bye to Kami Donald, our beloved principal from last year, as she leaves our school to focus on other things, like her beautiful family. Kami is the personification of grace, kindness, compassion, and everything that is good in this world. Thank you, Kami, for your love of our school, for your hard work last year as principal, and this year for teaching one of the largest classes that our school has had in a while. Everything you do is top notch and at the highest level of professionalism. Congratulations to you and Robbie. You will be missed.
Hello, Mrs. Jackson
This week, we welcome Mrs. Sandra Jackson, better known as Tink, back to our school. She will be teaching our second grade class. I have only known Mrs. Jackson for a couple weeks now, but it only took about 30 seconds when I met her to see how much she loves Sacred Heart. She is so happy to be back teaching, and we are so happy she is here.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Thank you for taking the time to come to your student's conference with his or her teacher. If you were not able to attend a conference last week, please contact your student's teacher to set up a time for this week.
Fall Fest
I need to talk one more time about the Fall Fest, which was amazing. Thank you, Carla, for your wonderful idea and for your hard work which earned our school over $7000! Big thanks to Tina Trujillo, the Trujillo family, and the Mohon family for securing donations so that all of our expenses were covered, and for the countless hours spent organizing and running activities. Thanks to all of the parents who helped as well. We are already on the Wines of the San Juan calendar for next year on Sunday, October 6, and Carla is busy making plans for new activities. Next year's Fall Fest will be even better, if that is possible.
Fire Drill
We had our first fire drill at SHCS for the year, and it went very smoothly. Our teachers did a great job of teaching our students the fire drill procedures, and our students did a great job of following our teachers' directions. We practiced this time like there was a fire in the main building. We will practice the next time like there is a fire in a different building because the escape routes are different for some classes. Lots of time and effort for something I hope we never need!
Field Trips
Our school has two field trips this week. On Monday, students in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades will be walking to Artifacts to see the artists at work, and to enjoy a fresh-baked cookie. Students need their permission form and $2.00. On Thursday, our entire school will be going to Holiday Farms in Bloomfield. The teachers have been working to secure chaperones who have completed the VIRTUS training and who have completed the paperwork for a background check. Students need their permission form, $7.00, and a sack lunch.
8th Grade Pizza Sale
Our 8th graders will be selling Little Caesar's pizza by the slice on Monday during lunch. Each slice is $2.00 and every student will also get a Capri Sun and a cookie. On Monday, there are bagels for lunch so the pizza will be a bit more filling for our students. Please make sure your student has $2 for each slice they would like to have. The 8th graders will have cheese pizza and pepperoni pizza. They will be using the proceeds from their pizza sales to fund their Legacy Project.
Mr. Burnham has started a new program here at SHCS called Virtues of the Month. He teaches the virtue in morning prayer, and helps students learn what the virtue looks like and sounds like. This month's virtue is affability. I bet even our smallest students know what that big word means.
Remember to check Gradelink for your student's individual assignment grades, current grades, school news, and the lunch menu.
Confirmation Mini Retreat for 3rd Grade
This Wednesday, at 5:30 PM in the church, parents and 3rd graders will meet to go over Confirmation guidelines, details for choosing a sponsor, an explanation for how Bishop James Wall moved Confirmation to the same Mass as First Holy Communion, and lots of other information 3rd graders need to prepare for Confirmation. This is a mandatory meeting for students preparing for Confirmation.
Color Run
Our Color Run Walkathon will be here before we know it. Hopefully, students are getting sponsors and collecting donations. You should have received an email from 99Pledges so your student can receive online donations. If you did not receive an email with your student's link, let me know so I can tell Coach Katie. Our Color Run is Thursday, October 26. PreSchool through 1st grade will leave at 8:15 to go to the track at Tibbets. 2nd - 4th grades will leave at 9:15, and 5th - 8th will leave at 10:15. This is our second biggest fundraiser and your support is greatly appreciated.
Trunk or Treat
Once again, our students will get to enjoy Trunk or Treat on Halloween, with the traditional story from Father Tim. Teachers will be working with parents to organize the Trunk or Treat for their classroom, just like in years past. Thank you to everyone who makes this a fun event for our students.
Works of Mercy Family Club
Mr. Burnham is in the process of teaching the Works of Mercy to students in grades 3 - 5 Religion so they are familiar with all 14. Mrs. Ashley Maxwell has taken the ideas from our meeting last month and is working on organizing two big projects. Our families are so busy it makes more sense to only have two projects, one in the fall and one in the spring. We will have final plans to you soon.
I hope you and your family have a great week. Thank you for being part of Sacred Heart Catholic School.
Week 9; October 9 - 13